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New site and news rules

georgina29's picture

Please remember if you are posting on the updated site you agreed not to be rude to other humans on here. Just a reminder! How does everyone liek the new page?

MoominMama's picture

Looks good to me. Cleaner and fresher and I like the 'like' button. I was thinking that it would be good to have a 'dislike' button but... I realised this would just get abused so yes, it's better as it is.

georgina29's picture

I like the look of the new site. Its brighter and theres more options too. However I do find it slower than the old one (on my laptop)

fairyo's picture

Anything new takes some getting used to-but it's good to be back!



sammigirl's picture

This new site is user friendly and I love the like button, the availability of spell check too!  Thank you for the hard work. *ok*

WalkOnBy's picture

I'd like you to clarify your privacy policy.  After reading all of that, it says that our email address and personal addresses are collected and publicly available to members. 

It goes on to say that this information may be available to other members and to the public.


How will you use this information and how is it disseminated to the public?  Is this now a non-anonymous site??

Admin's picture

Sorry about that.  We based our privacy policy on an open source policy used by many web sites.  We meant to remove that paragraph from the policy, as it most defiently DOES NOT APPLY to StepTalk.  Smile

To be clear, your email address will NEVER be made public on StepTalk or any other service provided by us in the future unless you explicitly decide to do so.

We'll be updating the privacy policy to remove that paragraph ASAP.  Unfortunately, this will mean that you will be asked to accept the updated terms when we do.  Sorry about the inconvenience.

Keep the feedback coming.  Our members are much better testers than we are.  Smile

WalkOnBy's picture

thanks for the explanation and the action Smile


Now, what about the search feature?  I don't see one on the site, though I do see one when I am using my cellphone to access.  However, when I click on it, all that happens is the plus sign turns to a minus sign and vice versa.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

I miss the section on the left side of the page on the old site that showed the Latest Comments. Many times, those comments attracted my interest. Now I will have to do a LOT more scrolling/reading of an entire blog/forum post and I don't have that kind of time.

Admin's picture

Hi Aniki.  We're working on some ideas to make it easier for users to find new comments, etc.  We hope to have a better solution soon.

Thumper's picture

You read my mind Aniki*drinks*

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Am I missing a Search option to find my previous friends so I can send another friend request??

Dawn-Moderator's picture

Still working on the search.  It will be up soon.

WalkOnBy's picture

Where is the search function?  Am I missing it?  

Thumper's picture

Dawn, will you also report IP addresses to authorities if needed? I read that you do have access to them, correct?

Child abuse and child nelgect, elder abuse, elder neglect NEVER EVER ok.




Aniki-Moderator's picture

The borders are wide and take up a lot of unused space (Recent Comments could be on that left side!!).

Anyhoo, I zoomed out on my page to make the font smaller so I could see more on the page... I can see a LITTLE bit more on the page, but the blue borders got BIGGER.

Also, the ads on the right side (between the blue border and the comments) takes up 3 INCHES. That's a lot of space.

Is there any way the blue border on the right side could contain the ads??

beebeel's picture

Anyone else having an issue accepting friend requests? The box is completely cut off as most of it displays off screen.

WalkOnBy's picture

are you using the mobile site and have you made your screen larger??  When I do that on my phone, the box gets wonky.  When I make my screen smaller again, problem solved Smile

beebeel's picture

I had to switch to the desktop site to accept the requests. No amount of changing my screen size fixed the wonky box.

secret's picture

I'm not sure that on my screen it looks like what it's supposed to look like, because it looks like what the old site used to do when it was having issues loading.... all white and blue text and yellow highlight.... with the emojis in words rather than pictures.

It's going to take some getting used to! Smile

WalkOnBy's picture

I saw Dawn comment elsewhere about the tag process and I thought she said something about seeing them below the box where we type, but I don't see them??

Not sure I would use tags, but if I wanted to, how would I go about doing that?  If I am supposed to see them below this text box, I do not see them...


Also, emojis have to be on a separate line??  I entered the above emoji right after " not see them" but the text was there and not the SOS emoji.  

When I entered the emoji on its own line, it appears??