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WE've been married 7 years and between us both we have 3 kids... his and mine. It's all been fairly easy. minor bumps in the road. although DH thinks that siblings should never fight, not sure where he got that notion. lol!!! Quite a bit has been going on this year to make me dread being a stepmom, but this is just what went down this morning.


SD13 has been doing extracurriculars after school since she's been in middle school, and I have been so happy that shes been able to. She even called DH to "ask" if it's ok since the practices fall on his scheduled days. He starts off with no, but then somehow she turns it into a yes. Thats fine, I'm just glad shes able to do it. Shes been in 3 extracurricular activities this year. Shes been so happy!


Then comes time for my daughters to be interested in an after school activity. Dh throws a huge fit that it's going to cut into our evening (which we're never doing anything anyways). The only thing that will change is that on the days of her practice I wont be cooking dinner, big whoop! DH doesn't like my cooking anyways lol. The only thing I see this being a problem with is that if SD's and DD's practices coincide then we won't all go make it out to pick up SD like we always do, DD14 and I will go pick up DD13 from practice.