My introduction..
Hello all!! couldn't see an intro page so thought I would just say hello here!
I am a 33yo woman who lives in Australia, about 1.5 hours south of Sydney! First marriage, to a 42yo man who has been married twice prior, 1 kid to each. The 20yo girl is great, I get along with her fine and the mother is not a problem either. The 14yo boy from the second marriage lives with us full-time and has done so for about 5 years after BM couldn't handle being a parent, and absolved herslef of her role as a mother. Many dramas getting child support out of her, and 3 years ago she told SS she wanted to cut contact with him. Her family also cut contact with him at the same time, and she no longer sends presents to him. She also refuses to pass on contact details of SS's 18yo 1/2 sister whom he gre up with. So not a great situation.
A positive is hubby and I have a beautiful 3yo girl who is the light of my life. She was an IVF baby and my whole world.
I am a Parole Officer and ex-Police Officer and hubby is a Funeral Director! we currently live on site at one of the funeral homes he manages which is not as exciting as you might think!
Anyway, So glad I have found this forum, you are sound like sensible people who I can idenitfy with, which is such a relief. Look forward to making some new friends
Hi there, Welcome! I'm also
Hi there,
I'm also from Aus. We're an hour SE of Melbourne.
Your BM2 sounds like a piece of work!! How is the poor kid dealing with that?
Hi Luchay - good to see
Hi Luchay - good to see another aussie around! heading down to melbourne in a few weeks - can't wait!
BM2 is the epitome of a deadbeat parent - She walked in one day after 9 years marriage and said to hubby 'I'm done' - fair enough, but then she sent her bio-daughter (hubby's SD) to live with her father in WA, and told Hubby to take SS. Aside from me gunning for her through CSA, she has had absolutely nothing to do with SS for years. Obviously he is screwed up about it as the divorce happened when he was 8 so certainly has issues around that.
Never met her face-to-face but I reckon I would have to restrain myslef from punching her...LOL
I'm not going to say "So you
I'm not going to say "So you plugged em and he planted em". Im' not I'm not.
Welcome. Its nice to hear a step-mother who isn't complaining - not that they don't have plenty to complain about. The poor kid - most kids missing a parent can at least fantasize about the parent.
Apparently the 18 yo isn't bothering to keep in touch either. Hopefully as she matures she'll be in contact with the boy.
Oh I have been complaining
Oh I have been complaining LOL
The 18yo has mental health issues and we think was prior involved with child services before turning 18 - BM2 wouldn't pass on our contact details to the 18yo and wouldn't give us hers, she told SS his sister is not in a place to be able to have a relationship with him - ETF???