Money, money, money........
There have been many posts on these boards about how "entitled" this younger generation seems. Christmas isn't good unless there are lots of expensive things under the tree. It seems the stores with their "pre-black friday" sales (beginning on Thursday - Thanksgiving night) are in on the act also.
I don't want to get into a political debate - but when I observed the younger people at the Occupy Wallstreet protests, many of them had items such as laptop computers, expensive cells phones, some of the tents they were sleeping in weren't cheap either! We camp, so we know the price of tents. You could tell they took it for granted that everyone NEEDS these things! We don't have a cell phone, cable tv, a laptop (our computer it a desktop that is over ten years old, and it still works) and we have one car!
Then when I think back on the behavior of my skids, and things they have said over the years - it all seems to be coming to a head. Especially my SS has shared how he would throw away change from his pocket, because it "wasn't worth it" to keep it. :?
During his high school days, he and his buddies would go "trolling" in the RICH part of town for Rich Girls to date.
We had to tell him that the parents of these "rich girls" probably knew boys from the surrounding area were doing this, so they didn't have a chance.
During Christmas past - when the kids were here for Christmas Day -we would have them "find the pickle" ornament on the Christmas tree (an old German tradition). The first one to find it got a "prize". Well, they weren't very happy when the prize was only a candy bar. We found out later that the BM would give them large amounts of money. Also, we would have to be careful what gifts we gave the kids because you could see them "comparing" what each other got. This past Christmas we had to be really careful what we got the SS's fiance and the SD, because the SD was making sure that the fiance didn't get something better than she did.
This behavior from these "mature" adults.
Anyway, my point is that this next generation really seems to have the idea that they "deserve" everything their little hearts desire! And if they don't get it - they DEMAND it! Forget about WORKING FOR IT THEMSELVES!
Gee, if I wanted designer type clothes, I had to learn to sew and knit to make my own! I had to save the money I earned to purchase the materials to do so. I notice at the fabric store that the patterns are simpler and all geared towards the younger generation - and it seems the pattern companies are doing this to try and entice the lazy young people who don't want to bother learning how to sew - they just want to BUY IT - and it needs to be the designer things with the designer labels on it. (roll eyes).
I just hope that these kids learn there are more important things in life. Like treating people (which includes stepparents) with respect.
I pray that all of you have a relaxed and happy holiday season - despite the skids - and that the drama is to a minimum!
Let's hope that these younger people wake up!
I realize that not all younger people are like this, and this makes me happy - but there are enough 'bad apples' out there to be a pain-in-the-neck!
Entitlement - yeah, tell me
Entitlement - yeah, tell me about it - it's one of my pet peeves. It seems to be worse where the parents have considerable money and the children have everything with no effort from themselves.
My two adult DDs were brought up in a poor household - me and my exH - we had very little money, but as a result both of this, and the fact that we tried to bring them up right - my girls are careful and thrifty. They are both now in full time work, and value money, they do not squander it. On the other hand, my 2 teenage SDs think money falls off the money tree - my DH is in a very high paying job and tends to spoil them. Their BM has the same entitled attitude as she has inculcated in her daughters. I try to rein my DH in from spoiling them too much by drawing to his attention the effect this will have on them as adults - not responsible or careful. SD14 in particular is terrible with money. I agree with everything you say - it sucks.
This isn't new. Our kids
This isn't new.
Our kids want Ipads and American Girl dolls.
Back in the day we had to have a walkman and cabbage patch dolls.
I'm not talking about toys, I
I'm not talking about toys, I am talking about how many young people feel they deserve, and MUST HAVE very expensive Techno Gadgets. The newest and most "in" cell phone model, and all of the other high tech items that keep coming out - and cost a bundle!
I am happy to have a cell phone that does not have a cell phone plan I pay for monthly, but I am able to call 9ll if I need help - for free! To me that is a luxury.
I don't have to sit in a car for hours hoping someone calls the police for me, or have to walk to a strangers house if my car breaks down, etc...
I heard someone on TV say that the more they get dependent on their fancy cell phones - the ones you talk to - the "stupider" they get. They don't have to use their brain, and remember anything - or use problem solving skills to figure things out. Just ask the phone!