Lots of posts lately, I can't help it! Noise levels! Puppy drama! Help!!!
Fan-flipin-tastic! SS came home with a recorder from school today. OMG, as if listening to his toddler like baby talk at 8 1/2 years old wasn't enough SIGH!
About a month and a half ago my bosses daughter got a dog only to find out it was pregnant when she received it. She decided to keep it and let it have it's puppies. My boss is a veterinarian. When the puppies were born they discovered they are purebred Labradors. I am and have always been a cat person however, I decided that maybe I would like to have one of these puppies since one was offered to me. I had always said that if I ever decided to own a dog it would be a "yellow" lab. They are of course ADORABLE. When the puppies turned 3 weeks of age I started thinking that perhaps I need some sort of project so to speak. Something for me to focus my energy on being I have been so depressed lately. I still hadn't made any decisions but it was a definite possibility that I would like to take this on. Ever since DH's and my wedding has been done I feel like there is SOMETHING I need to do. I'm a planner by nature. So, I decided to take this adorable yellow beast. I know he will be for our household; a family pet but I personally am so excited about it! I have him named already. I am going shopping for him this weekend and have been doing TONS of reading. He will be ready to come home in 8 days (he is still nursing and only just about 7 weeks old).
Anyway, to spoil my excitement, just last night SS started chanting over and over "I want a dog, I want a dog, I' want a dog". (SS)"If we get a dog he is mine and I will name him "blah blah".". Freaking PERFECT! Now my liar of a SS who has been absolutely rotten to me lately suddenly sparks an interest in having a dog after I made the decision to get one and will now think that we made this decision for him. IT'S NOT FOR HIM! Honestly, to me, it's for ME (LOL) but I will say that he is for the family. Honestly, he is I guess in the long run. I realize that. But now my concern is that this FREAKING KID is going to think this puppy has come into this home because he has been talking about one. I know this sounds extremely selfish but I am SO UPSET ABOUT IT!
Another vent! I can't help it!
Well I guess that's the
Well I guess that's the problem. I told DH the other night when I made the decision (and he was so excited about it) that I already had a name and blah blah blah DH complained to me and told me that he thought SS should have a say in the name. I said excuse me this is my one joy in life...naming things (i know i know, i can't help it) he laughed at me and told me it would be incredibly rude of me not to include SS. Regardless though, the puppy IS NAMED and they will both learn this the hard way I suppose when I bring him home next Friday!
What? why in the world would
What? why in the world would a parent say the child should have a say in the name when it won't be specifically HIS dog and YOU are being rude? Whatever! That's just stupid!
We just got a puppy almost 2 weeks ago. It was unplanned but I've been telling DH I wanted one for a few months. Both BS and SS also wanted one. But, I was not about to get two dogs, the boys aren't old enough to be solely responsible for their own dogs and having one that is BOTH OF THEIRS would just cause problems. So, this is OUR dog (it's really MY dog!). I decide what happens with and who does what with OUR dog }:)
Anyways, the boys weren't home the weekend we got him. I made sure he was named before they came home as I didn't want the hassle of the two of them trying to compromise on a name (potentially one I didn't like) or worse, me choosing a name that one wanted but the other didn't and now that kid resents the other because HIS name got chosen.
I love this forum and I love
May I recommend The Culture
May I recommend The Culture Clash by Jean Donaldson, and Karen Pryor's Don't Shoot The Dog as a couple of must-reads!
Also, please get the pup into a puppy class, ASAP. They learn soooo much about appropriate dog-dog interaction in that critical window before 16 weeks. Dogs that go to puppy classes learn to "speak dog" and interact appropriately! This is helpful both in terms of having a dog that can easily go on to other classes/engage in dog sports without issues, and even if you choose not to do such things, he or she won't be the dog lunging and barking at other dogs (which is often in frustration, because of not having had access to other dogs during that early socialization period.)
One of my dog agility students has a lovely young Labrador (a chocolate) that I'm falling in love with. She's in a chair, does agility with her mobility/medical alert service dog (a yellow Labrador), and is starting agility early with the pup--her future service-dog-in-training. Lovely, lovely dogs!
Enjoy your new family member, and don't be afraid to control YOUR dog's life, and his/her interactions with others, even your own family/household members!
Well, puppy comes home
Well, puppy comes home Sunday. I am excited. He will be starting puppy classes ASAP. There is a lady through my job that does it at her home and she is wonderful! Tomorrow I will be going shopping for him.
The difficult part will be the kids and not allowing them to "untrain" him. I will be putting my foot down immediately! I can already see DH getting really mad at me too. I'm the "FUN RUINER" apparently. And guess what! I don't care! I look forward to having a well trained dog!