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neverbeenhereb4's picture

Bm just divorced her current dh. Is it legal for her to change her name back to my bf's last name?? she mentioned it a long time ago bf just blew it off. Now step kid told us she did it! Idk if it was just bm saying it to annoy or if she really did

neverbeenhereb4's picture

How can she just pick someone's last name she's not married to anymore? She's had her latest husbands name for the last several years

Crazy_in_Ohio's picture

She can pick any name she wants to use.

It sucks, but it's ultimately just a name.

jumanji's picture

You could change your name to Gates - doesn't mean you're married to Bill.

Honestly, there are so few names that are unique enough for it to be an issue.

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

Yes, a person can legally change their name to anything they want, whenever they want. It sucks, but there it is.

oldone's picture

A woman I went to high school with just did this. She had a relatively short marriage in her 20s to first DH. She was married to 2nd DH for decades - this is when she established herself in her career.

When the second DH divorced her a couple of years ago she went back to her first husband's name. I saw the name when someone was bringing her to my home for dinner and didn't have a clue who they were talking about.

This woman is near 70 - she went back to a name she had for a few years in her 20s. It's not even an interesting name. Her maiden name is much easier to spell, etc.

I think she's nuts but then she always has been a little off.

neverbeenhereb4's picture

She's not doing bc of kids. It's bm's latest attempt to establish connections/ties to my bf. he is literally repulsed by the idea.

SMof2Girls's picture

Then he should ignore it and go on with his life as if nothing has changed. What direct impact does this actually have on him anyway?

If she's doing it to get inside his head or under his skin .. it's working .. the worst thing he can do is react.

herewegoagain's picture

But check the divorce decree too. In DHs decree it specifically stated that the witch had to change her last name. Of course, she didn't as she went on to get loans, etc. using his name/ssn, but eventually after he threatened to take her to court for that and other things, she changed it...or so we think...or so she says...

neverbeenhereb4's picture

He didn't react. He doesn't speak to her about anything unless about kids and that he tries to keep as text only. I was just wondering if its legal. It prob bothers me more than him lol.

neverbeenhereb4's picture

I'm actually really lucky I know. He keeps everything to a minimum. I come here bc I'm still adjusting to having that 3rd person we have to keep dealing with who keeps pulling crap on person. He and I don't even talk about it that much. I just bring my vents here instead. Back b4 we moved in together when she began leaving her then current dh I asked him if he wanted a chance to put his fam back together I would walk away. I refuse to fight if he's not all the way on my side. He didn't even let me finish the statement and we moved in a month later.

christinen's picture

Oh I would be furious if I were you!! I guess technically you can change your name to whatever you want.. However, when DH and I got married I had to show proof that we had gotten married (marriage license) in order to change my name to his. So I don't see why she would be able to change her name to match a man's that she is not married to. That is strange.

neverbeenhereb4's picture

I agree.

Cocoa's picture

i wouldn't think it would be recognized unless her social security card has that name on it, and in order to change that she would need a court document, marriage cert., etc... so, unless she didn't bother to change her name with her second marriage on her ss account, it won't be recognized and will cause her LOTS of problems later. i don't think you can change your name at will. i think you have to petition the court for it.