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Law Guardian Attended SS Conference with BM??!!

PolyMom's picture

SS's therapist said it was completely inappropriate for the kids' law guardian to attend SS's school conference with BM, without mentioning it at all to DH. Anyone have any experience with something like this?

Rags's picture

This is not surprising considering the bottom 10%ers of the employable who tend to orbit around the family law cesspool. These idiots can't get a real job so they screw things up even more for kids and parents struggling with a toxic blended family opposition and seem to consistently favor the toxic parent over the reasonable one. :sick: I have no experience with it but it is not surprising to me in the least.

PolyMom's picture

Seriously...since when is it okay for the law guardian to advocate for BM over the children of the case? WTF?!

PolyMom's picture

The kids have made it clear that they want both parents. We were trying to drop the whole thing, but BM decided to flex her beer muscles and try and gain full custody from DH, because SS12 doesn't get his homework done, and she's convinced he has asperger's...which no school official, or his therapist agree with. She underhandedly brought SS12 to a behavioral therapist without notifying DH, and LIED about his home situation (stating she had full custody, and dad was barely in the picture, and continued to lie about symptoms he only shows while in her care)...this is all documented BTW....we had a shit report from a forensic psychologist, and NONE of these court appointed morons discussed ANY of this with school officials, or the kids' therapist...outside of this one conference tainted by BM's lies: "He had a 504 for aspergers, but dad made them take it away!" and "He doesn't currently have a therapist." The law guardian knows fully well they have a therapist, so again, WTF???

I guess having a golden uterus does make you a better parent to court appointed idiots.

PolyMom's picture

Exactly. We explained, and WTF'd the action to our lawyer this morning. He came back with a kickass response to the law guardian. He doesn't want to waste too much time and when it feels like he's not advocating for us, it's really he doesn't want to waste money....He doesn't REALLY need to advocate, because BM is so wrong, and the judge...the only person who's opinion really matters here, knows it's all her, and she's crazy.

His plate is filled with whether to remove the kids from her, not the other way around, so our lawyer isn't going to waste time on custody fodder that isn't going to even matter. Changing the kid's therapist though...that matters, and he's gonna nip that in the bud.

Basically BM has concocted this story that DH kidnapped her out of her bedroom window one night when she was a tiny child, raped her, and married her by pirates, impregnated her, and ruined her entire life. Well, not that drastic...but she makes it out like it's that bad...when the reality is that their church pushed young couples to get married, and while he was 23 and she was 18, both too young...not at all the case she's trying to make. She's the one who got addicted to heroine, and threatened to kill herself if he left her, and has run away from 4 therapists the second they disagree with her...and this one who sees her son is no different. She's quite capable of looking good to a forensic evaluator who only interviews her 1 time, when she's had the kids in her care for 2 weeks solid on vacation, as opposed to DH who had to remove the kids from her care for his appointment, and they weren't the best none of that matters. Or the fact that the kids are exposed to rated M games, and rated R movies at HER house doesn't matter, because obviously, it's their father who exposed them to that stuff because he has a penis. I hate all these so-called professionals who are all about laziness and apathy. They fell fort he borderline's trap, making them look completely stupid.