Just tired of BM's claims that DH harasses her
Just a vent ..
In her latest email she writes:
"As far as phone calls, text,voice mails, and emails to me this continued overly excessive communication has become disruptive and harassing to me and is interfering in the care and welfare of our children.
I have brought this to your attention on more then one occasion. there is a portion of our divorce settlement that addresses this and you are violating it. I will be meeting with an attorney this week to address these issues as well as the letter I received from your attorney."
Seriously BM?
I've pulled the cell phone records .. DH texted her 8 times in the past 45 days .. 6 of those were in direct reply to her questions about taxes. The other 2 were because she had notified him she wasn't going to be home and to call her cell to talk to the kids, which she subsequently didn't answer, so he shot her a text saying "please have the girls call back when they're free".
She texted him 26 times.
Every phone call to the house phone is each night at 8pm (7pm their time), give or take 10 minutes. This is the time she has instructed him to call to talk to the girls.
80% of the emails in the past month are in response to HER emails.
The divorce settlement section she is referring to is about their separation, and says that neither party can harass or try to compell the other party to co-habitate. Completely out of context.
I know her claim of harassment is bullshit .. but I'm so tired of hearing it. Calling her out will probably not do a whole lot (other than result in more harassment accusations), but what else can we do to make it stop? She literally says something about DH harassing her in almost every email she writes.
I agree, you have the
I agree, you have the documentation, call her bluff and file contempt of court. And, hey, you could even try for a full on harassment charge...
She won't file - this is how
She won't file - this is how BM's try to maintain control and make themselves feel like a victim or like DH still wants them. I think I'd text her back letting her know what your communication records show and tell her that you'd be happy to bring those to court. Judges don't like frivolous complaints brought before them.