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Just ended remarkable 160-day span of not having to see SD17

paul_in_utah's picture

and I can honestly say that I didn't miss her at all! I arrived home early in the day, and it was actually a bit of a let-down when I heard her come clomping through the door after school.

For those wondering how I managed it, I had an unusal combination of out-of-town work for my employer, coupled with SD17 being at her "perfect" bio-daddy's house when I was home in the summer. Of course, SD17 hasn't spoken to me since I've been back, as if I am some kind of ghost or invisible man. That's fine, though, because I have no wish to speak with her either. If anything, the long absence from SD17 has only made me even more psyched about her eventually moving out after high school.

Also, as a cheap shot, SD17 left letters from her "perfect" step-mother out where DW and I could see them. Apparently, "perfect" step-mother e-mailed my SD17 every day that SD17 was at summer camp. And of course, SD17 wrote lengthy letters back to "perfect" step-mother and bio-daddy. Did she write one for my DW? Hell no! In fact, I have never seen SD17 write so much on one piece of paper in her life (SD17 is not a big writer, or reader for that matter). And, needless to say, there was certainly no "thank you" given to me by SD17 for setting her up with this summer camp, which took many hours of prep time to fill out forms, get character referrals from teachers, etc. Whatever.

I am counting down the days. I can't wait to be an empty-nester!

hbell0428's picture

I love being invisible; my favorite is when my DH and I are talking or I ask DH a question SD14 will just jump in and start talking to DH like I don't even exist!! UGH! Must have been nice to get away!!

frustratedstepdad's picture

I can imagine you have a calendar sitting in your house, with the days marked until she turns 18...LOL.