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I need to bounce this off from my friends here

memyselfandi's picture

My hubby has recently thrown a situation at me that I can't stop saying no to.

Here it is:

SD12 isn't getting along well with her stepdad. To be honest..I think he can be a real jerk to her at times. For the most part she's a pretty good kid, yet has her daddies smart mouth. Of course Daddy blames it on his ex..but as I told him tonight.."Na uh..she is her Father's daughter through and through.." as at times, he just doesn't quit with his mouth. It's a good thing I can let things roll off my back and have learned to stay away from him when he's in one of his moods or our marriage would have been over a lonnng time ago.

He has recently asked me to take his daughter for a month this Summer. Normally I wouldn't have a problem with it but I am now working part time at an animal shelter. LOVE my job as I LOVE working with animals and the people I come across day in and day out. My hours don't start until noon and there are some days I work until 5, others I work until 7..and then I may be scheduled to work on Saturdays and Sundays where I would work noon til 5 on Saturdays and noon til 4 on Sundays.

This month long thing is supposed to be a possible prerequisite to her staying with us permanently. She is having a hard time at her current school, as kids are picking on her about her allergies. We never know when she's going to break out from something, but if you ask me, I think it's all stress related as again, she's having problems getting along with her stepdad also.

What do I know though..I'm just the stepmom.

She texted me a few nights ago and asked me if I would mind if she homeschooled here. She wanted to "bounce" it off me and not tell her dad, yet later it came out that she had already talked to her dad about it, he'd said yes to it..and that she just had to check with me. I told her that I needed to talk to her dad first and her reply was, "Well if you want to talk to him, you must have a problem with it.." I told her that neither her dad or I made decisions without talking to each other first. Later on, hubby told me that he'd told her the same, that he needed to discuss it with me first. She was playing both ends against the middle.


She texted me again last night and asked why I didn't have a direct answer for her, and why did I have to talk to her dad first?? She told me that I MUST have a problem with it if I had to talk to him first.

Good about manipulation!!

First of all I know NOTHING about homeschooling a child, and second of all..homeschooling is a full time job. There are certain stipulations that a child must meet, certain hours they have to put in, field trips that are required, etc. Even if I weren't working, I don't think I'd want to jump into that one as a stepmom as if I messed up..I'd be certain to hear about it.

Talked to hubby this morning and he told me she'd get over it and it was just a phase. Then tonight he asked me if it would be possible for her to stay here with me for a month this see if her and I could get along, and to see if it would work out her staying with us..permanently.

Or rather, with ME as my hubby works 2000 miles away for the railroad and would not be here to help me out with her.

Again, "Na uh.." Although working part time, I work strange hours and could not expect a 12 year old to sit here all day and wait for me to finish working. Again, my job is NOT a "nine to fiver" Monday through Friday as it may require (and often does) weekend hours where I would be working from noon until late afternoon.

If my hours were 8 til noon or something like that, it would be different, but noon til 4 and the heck can I expect a 12 year old to sit here and entertain herself all that time??

In addition, without my hubby being here, I've created my own life and learned to entertain myself. I've made new friends, joined a gym, and for once in my life, I'm very happy!!

My hubby has told me that his daughter needs to learn to be more independent and that, she may last a week and want to go home. Whatever. I am NOT going to put a 12 year old through even one week of sitting around waiting and waiting for me, bored out of her mind, and then end up going home with a chip on her shoulder towards me saying, "She said I could come and stay with her and then she's never there. All she did was work.."

In addition, I told my hubby that I was not willing to give up the little social life I'd developed, going to the Y to work out, hanging with the friends I made at water aerobics, etc. I've made a friend that loves to have me out for bonfires on Saturday nights just to chat, her and I go for walks out on her beautiful land with our dogs, we go antiquing for water aerobics, etc. and I don't feel like I should have to give that up.

My hubby has told me, "Of course you shouldn't have to give that up..she'll be bored in a week and want to go home...but she needs to learn some kind of independence. Maybe she'll learn that staying with you??"

Yeah..staying with me..all alone..all day long. Yeah..that should work while she develops an attitude towards me.."All she ever did was work..she never took me shopping or swimming or anything..why did she ever ask me to come there??"

I can just hear it!!

In addition, a few weeks ago my hubby blew a gasket over our stupid health insurance flex card. SD is supposed to go through some type of hypnosis thing for her allergies...something that's supposed to make her think deep in her mind that she no longer has allergies. Insurance is NOT going to cover this so I have a hard time thinking that they can just throw it on the flex card. Maybe they'll be able to, but that wasn't the point. It was sending them the only flex benfits card we had..thus..just leaving ME high and dry should something happen to ME if I needed to make a down payment for my own health care.

Hubby told me that it wasn't about me and that he wasn't concerned about my stupid $20 copays. I tried to explain to him that I wasn't worried about those either, but if something serious happened to me..I may need it.

First of all, he told me how selfish I was being, and hung up on me. Few days later I received a text from him that basically said, "If you and I are to ever talk again, you need to realize that you will NEVER come before my parents don't come before my kids..even I don't come before my kids and don't you EVER think that you will come before them as I will leave you faster than you can even imagine!!"

It wasn't even worth a reply as I have ALWAYS put everyone before myself, and he KNOWS that. This again was one of his many temper tantrums and I steered clear of him for yet another two days even though he sent me a few texts telling me that he loved me, etc.

Nobody should treat their wife like that nor speak to them like that..EVER!!

When we finally spoke, he told me again how selfish I had been, that the flex insurance card was HISTORY..and that I should NEVER tell him how to raise his children..they were HIS kids..etc.

Mind you..I have NEVER told him how to raise his kids and have never questioned him on his lack of discipline, etc. In the meantime, rather I have tried to teach his daughter to rise above the stupid teasing. I've told her that mean kids are going to tease you whether you have big feet or freckles. Kids are kids and there are always going to be mean ones. I told her that she should just reply, "I can't help that I have allergies..but you sure can help your bad breath as you really should get some help with that.." as she reaches into her pocket and hands them a breath mint.

I told him he should spend a day with her and I. I encourage her to make her own decisions regarding the clothes I buy her, to create her own style, and to be the wonderful, beautiful person she is. It's the rest of the world that picks on her that's ugly..not her. In addition, I've always told her that nobody can MAKE her do anything..EVER and that it was cool to make smart decisions.

Well at that point, he told me I was still beyond selfish..he loved the way I was with her..but nobody tells him how to raise his daughter!!

Okie dokie.

Now all of a sudden he has switched gears and wants me to "fix" his daughter this Summer, as she needs to learn some kind of independence, etc.

What a complete joke!! For the longest time he was one that didn't want his daughter to grow up. Every time we have the kids, she comes walking into our bedroom in the middle of the night, "Daaady..I can't sleep, could you come and sit with me for a bit??" This happens every single night we have her and her brother, and of course, Daddy gets up and sits with her.

With that, Daddy works 2000 miles away from us, not only for the insurance, but when he first took the job he told me, "It's what I do and you're just going to have to deal with it.."

And deal with it I have. In the process I've made a life of my own, found a job I love, and made new friends. I spend time with the kids whenever possible..

But I am not their mother..but rather the "sidekick" stepmom. He has told me, "The kids don't need another mom..but a friend as they already HAVE a mom that yells at them all the time.."

I hate to say this but sometimes you HAVE to yell at your kids to get a point across. Although she's his ex, she does her best I think as the kids always come well behaved. I have absolutely NO animosity towards her at all anymore. I think we've all grown to get along as a family. Just this past Mother's Day, she bought for me from the kids a candle, flowers, and a very nice card. In addition, my SS15 bought me a nice candle all on his own, which made me more than happy also. My hubby called me and wished me a Happy Mother's Day, but did absolutely NOTHING else.

He never does anymore.

So now all of a sudden I'm supposed to play, "Mom" this Summer and teach his daughter independence??

I told him no, explained why..and now he can just deal with it.

I'm such a horrible wife, horrible stepmom, etc.

Somehow I don't feel guilty.

What are your opinions??

rahrah2019's picture

Aw hell no. You're supposed to go from you don't come first and never will, you're not her mom, etc., to shouldering 100% of the responsibility for her? No way. And I'd find every way possible to make him eat the very words he said to you on all those previous occasions while I told him it wasn't happening.

You don't chop someone off at the legs and then ask them to bike to Hawaii. Because that's about what this seems like. If you give in, be prepared for so much worse than the ramifications of saying no to them both.

SecondGeneration's picture

Ok so let me just simplify this one real quick.
You are married, but he works 2000 miles away leaving you as the main/only regular person in your house. You work part time, you have your social life. I dont mean this as an insult in anyway but it reads more like you are dating; you are both living separate lives for the majority of the time.

I have to admit I am a bit of a sceptic as reading your post I have that nagging feeling as to whether he is just trying to push buttons to see how far he can push you. He has been reckless with the health insurance which could potentially leave you in serious issues, then in order to defend himself hes flipped it and called you selfish but rather than putting it there hes already gone on to say that he will leave you if you think yourself to be above his daughter.
Now that right there is a bit of a WTF; who was talking about leaving anyone? You were simply telling him that thanks to him blowing the remainder on some hypnotherapy you are going to have to dig in your pockets should a real medical emergency occur. Hes gone and thrown leaving you into it.
Now hes getting his ego stroked because daughter doesnt like step dad so its a perfect oppourtunity for him to say, its ok darling daughter come and stay at mine, Ill rescue you. However the reality of the situation is he wont be there. It would be you becoming the primary care giver and you do not need to and should not be forced to.

Personally Im not much of a fan on homeschooling, but I have to admit that is because those I do know that have been homeschooled...well, its not worked out too well for them.
The allergies can well be a stress thing, but for the stress to cease she needs that picture perfect stable home environment with two responsible parental figures that counter balance one another with their white picket fence.

I'd be saying to your husband look, he is his daughters father and since SHE comes first even before himself then he needs to put his words into action. If he is so concerned and wants her to come live with you guys then he needs to be changing his job in order for him to be closer to home so HE can provide for his daughter. Providing for your child isnt just about bringing in the money, its about being around. Ofcourse everyone has to work but naturally working 2000 miles away means he cant do that. As he said, his daughter comes before himself, so he needs to do the leg work for his child.

Now when he learns to manage his temper and treat you with some respect when you guys disagree then you may be more inclined to offer more physical support in helping out with your step daughter. But at this point hes drawn the lines in the sand and he needs to make it work if he wants the situation to change.

memyselfandi's picture

Thanks Catlettuce..I couldn't agree with you more.

Yeah, I thought he had some nerve after talking the way he did to me a few weeks ago, while now all of a sudden, he and his ex want me to babysit their little girl because they "just can't tell her no".

"It will teach her independence.." HA!!

While his ex and her hubby take off camping for the weekend..every weekend, leaving their 12 year old sit at home by herself because it's too warm for her in the camper and she spends all weekend sneezing as they camp underneath a tree that's just full of pollen.

She's been staying at herself..all weekend long, for the past two years. Knows how to make mac n cheese by herself, knows how to tuck herself in, etc.

And Disney Daddy..yeah..everytime we have the kids, his 12 year old has to come into our bedroom. every night. like clockwork. "Daaady..I can't sleep..can you come sit with me for a bit??" and every time they come to stay with us, it's the same thing every last night she's here, "Daaady, since it's the last night I'm going to be here...can you stay with me in your sleeping bag by my bed all night??"

And NOW all of a sudden he wants his little girl to get independent??

Yeah right!!

I haven't quite figured out WHAT they're trying to teach her but it sure the hell isn't independence!!

Bottom line..I'm not buying what they're trying to sell me.

Nope..nope..and nope.

I'll be the bad guy for a long time with this one.

Oh well....

Jsmom's picture

Works for me too...No allergies in 5 years. Has to be within 5-10 miles.

Jsmom's picture

You need to be financially self sufficient from this man. That is your first step in him not treating you this way. As for the kid, this is not your child. You do what you want, no more, no less. If he wants to help his kid, he can stay home or switch jobs.

But, I do think you need a job with income, so you can not be treated this way. It never works well if you are financially dependent on a man. He thinks he can talk to you as an inferior person in the marriage, if you are not contributing. I am sure plenty of women disagree, but I make a nice income and pay half of all expenses and my husband would never tell me to do anything. He would ask for my help.

Willow2010's picture

"If you and I are to ever talk again, you need to realize that you will NEVER come before my parents don't come before my kids..even I don't come before my kids and don't you EVER think that you will come before them as I will leave you faster than you can even imagine

This is amazing. While I do believe that kids should come first. That is until they are 18. Not FOREVER. And for him to tell you that way!!!

This man needs serious counseling. You need counseling to figure out why you put up with this kind of crap from anyone, much less the man you are married to!

Easylikesundaymornin's picture

His whole view is hypocracy !!!!

How did you become so subservient in his eyes. How do you become the primary caregiver ~ if she comes first in his life. Break that down ~~ hmmmmm ridiculous !

He is trying to be her superman but if he is 2000 miles away how's that gonna happen. He is trying to force responsibility on someone who doesn't want it. What happens when you do the exact opposite of what he would do ?? Will you get another F/U ??

It's all control issue ~ do as I say not as I do !!!

Drac0's picture

Yeah, it sounds to me that your husband has made up his mind about this and is just trying to brow-beat you into submission....Which is understandable...


My father and my grandfather (and even I) used to work for the railroad and that was the regular methodology. If someone says "no, it can't be done" You bug, brow-beat him and drag him into meeting after meeting to get him to say yes....

It's one of the reasons why I don't say "yes" to anything anymore. "Yes" is about as bad a word as "f*ck" in the rail industry.

memyselfandi's picture

I completely agree with the RR methodology as my hubby doesn't know the word "NO" when it comes to them. Whether it's one railroad or another..they're all the same. He has been "brow-beat" to say yes to everything they ask him to do.

And he said it would be different working for another RR.

He told me that once he got out there, all he'd have to do was show them was that he was someone..they would know his name everywhere..and he'd soon be able to go anywhere. He'd be closer to home within a year.

Yeah right. Where he's at now.. they've got him driving his own vehicle (while they told him they'd get him a work vehicle..still waiting..), told him they'd get him a gas card (still waiting on that one too..) and paying him so much per mile fooling him into thinking he's making money from it while he's driving up miles on his own personal vehicle, has to pay for his own oil changes, now needs new tires, and has added nearly 4000 miles on his vehicle in a matter of months. They have him driving back and forth between offices which are 2-4 hours away babysitting managers that don't know how to run their ends of things. He's living out a suitcase most of the time, has this report that he has to do even on his off days, so he has to get up at 3-4 am every morning so that it's finished by 5:30 am.

This is because the assw*** manager above him doesn't feel like sifting through emails. Hubby could have someone else do it on his off days BUT he's become the "YES" guy.

Yep..he's been brow-beat!!

He works days and they continue to bug him all night with phone call after phone call because the idiot that's in charge at night couldn't find his ass if it bit him in the face. One day my hubby told me that he got over 70 calls in the middle of the night from crews asking him what they should do because they had no confidence in their present manager.

Oh..and then he has to go out on calls in the middle of the night, sometimes driving over an hour to a derailment. I've asked him why the night manager can't handle those calls. He just tells me he's an idiot.

So yep..he's become brow beat into submission but to be honest, I think he loves being the guy in charge. Just doesn't realize that the RR considers him the "yes" guy.

He gets into these modes where he forgets that I'm not one of his employees. I used to just walk away from it and avoid the storm but I finally told him that I'm not putting up with his crap anymore and that I'm not just "the wife", but rather "HIS wife" and he'd better get used to treating me like his wife or I was out of here!!

I'm learning!!

I don't think the whole thing will come up again with his daughter as I told him just how I felt a few nights ago. Since he flapped his big mouth and said what he did, he made his bed.

Since they were HIS kids. Okie dokie. Since I disciplined wrong, and that his daughter was "sensitive", needing to be disciplined a certain way. OK..his job then. Since the kids don't need a mom as they already have one that yells at them all the time.. and they needed me to be a friend....

Okay honey, when you find me and your daughter throwing wet toilet paper on the ceiling in the bathroom and giggling..remember..I'm supposed to be her "friend"..and friends have fun.


I confronted him about telling me that his kids came first and how dare I be so selfish to think I came before them.

Oh. My. DARE I!!

That's fine too. I know I'm in his "food chain" somewhere but where, I have yet to figure out. I can take care of myself and will never depend on him for anything. He INSISTED that he could take care of ALL of us but I assured him I could do most things by myself and he needn't worry.

I told him the final straw with his mouth was when he told me, his wife and the stepmom of his kids, who I love to pieces..

"Don't you EVER tell me how to raise MY kids.." Okie dokie.

So SD coming here for a month to see how we'll get along before she decides to come and live with basically ME permanently?

No way in hell!!

Me home schooling her because BM doesn't want to??! No way.

How 'bout HE homeschool her out there?? Oh but honey..I'm neevver home and I have such a crazy schedule.

Well, he told me it was just taking classes on the computer..and how hard can THAT be?? She could take her classes while he's at work...kinda like he told me she'd do when I was working.

Nope and notta..his daughter.

I'll be here for support and needed.

frustratedstepdad's picture

I would tell him no.

It is not your responsibility to have his daughter for a full month. How is he going to say that YOU'RE being selfish when it's HIS child? Also, screw that homeschooling crap. You are happy working your part-time job, and you shouldn't have to give that up just to appease a 12 year old.

Cocoa's picture

"First of all, he told me how selfish I was being, and hung up on me. Few days later I received a text from him that basically said, "If you and I are to ever talk again, you need to realize that you will NEVER come before my parents don't come before my kids..even I don't come before my kids and don't you EVER think that you will come before them as I will leave you faster than you can even imagine!!"

why did he marry you if you weren't going to come first? the better question is, why did you marry HIM? what are you getting out of this marriage? at the very least, stick to your guns and do not become the built in babysitter. THANK GOD you haven't caved on that.

Dizzy's picture

Your DH is a pussy. Completely threw you under the bus by telling SD that it was fine with him and she had to ask you. You were blindsided. Good for you for standing your ground. And how dare your DH jerk you around like that. His kids come first, huh? Well, then maybe HE should quit the job that keeps him away and get something local so he can homeschool and parent his children. SMH

Sorry he's an ass. I remember the post about the Flex Card and I didn't like him then.

christinen's picture

Sorry but wtf?? NO NO NO NO NO. You need to disengage and quickly! Why in the world are you doing all these things for someone else's kid? If DH asked me to take SD for a month, I'd laugh right in his face. There is no way in HELL I would even CONSIDER leaving my job to homeschool the brat. I can't even imagine.. Maybe your situation is different than mine but WOW is all I can even think right now!

Your SD's PARENTS need to parent her. Not you.

Amber Miller's picture

Something you said struck me as interesting and I was reading your post to my DH and asked him what he thought about my assessment. I think I read "for once in my life I am happy". so, if you are so happy and you are even considering taking your SD for a month by yourself, by definition, you are not selfish. His daughter, her allergies, his problem! It sounds like you have grown accustomed to being alone. You have found work, friends and activities that you enjoy. My husband agrees with me 100% that you do not sound like a selfish person. Please forgive me if I seem judgmental as I know people have to work to survive but do you miss your husband while he is gone? I mean, maybe I have a dependent personality that I am unaware of but I would be unhappy if my DH was away all week 2000 miles from me for months on end. I commend you on being independent and not sitting at home being miserable and alone; I think that's wonderful but it just made me pause.
What he said to you is mean and yes, my DH has said mean things to me and I have said mean things to him; we are all guilty of this but then to not call you for a few days and send a text like that? That's really mean.
Whatever you decide I am sure will be what's best for everyone. I think a lot of people here and I am included would say no to the home schooling thing. My son was being bullied and it went on for a few years despite my going to the school and sticking up for him. I put him in therapy. It worked wonders. He now has lots of friends and is doing great! He has bad allergies too (all three of my kids do and I really feel sorry for people who do). As a mom, I would try everything including hypnosis if I thought it would help but I have to say that it should be something her parents pay for not you. Your concerns about any health emergencies for you are valid. If you have a health emergency when he's not there then who is going to take care of HIS daughter?

lilym's picture

wait, what?!?!

I would sum up my reply in one sentence: "well since your kids come first for you, I'm putting MYSELF first and no, I won't be sacrificing my job, social life and happiness to take care of your child"

MamaFox's picture

Hahahaha! Funny joke DH!...Wait, not a joke? Well then....Fuck off.