I get so sick of SD15's constant drama
My SD15 is so annoying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can hardly believe that a 15 year old kid can not peel a Cutie (clementine) :?
Even eating candy has to be a big deal with loud smacking and sucking :sick:
Constantly complaining when commercials come on and she is in the room watching TV saying "that is really annoying" HMMMM guess she shouldn't get the memo...lol
Saying the most stupid comments that mean absolutely nothing just to get attention.
Rude comments
Nothing is ever good enough
Constant journey to get money, gifts, ect.... non-stop
Act like a f**** 7 year old most of the time
Obsession with the pets and giving them treats and clothes(mind you doesn't give a crap about everyday care)...WTF she is 15 years old!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And the kicker is that Dadddddddyyyyyyyyyy and Grandma think she is the smartest, cutest, sweetest little girl that ever walked and never correct her and nothing is ever her fault.
*lol* I felt the same about
I felt the same about my SD's as teens, or close to it. It was nails on a chalkboard every visitation. The good news is that now the older 2 are in their 20s they're much less annoying. I strongly suspect people related to teenagers (and other teenagers) are the only people who actually LIKE them. Must be an evolutionary thing, so they live to adulthood...
LOL...probably so! I still
LOL...probably so! I still have a teenager at home and he friggin annoys the crap out of me sometimes but for the most part he is very respectful to me and other adults and does what he told for the most part except clean his room.