I find myself looking at apartments
One bedroom apartments, my kids can use a bunk bed in my room in the one bedroom apartment. Some may ask, what does this mean? I'm afraid I'm drifting away from DH. SD and BM have gotten so bad that it would be easier to get a divorce and live in a one bedroom apartment with my 2 teenage kids. This is very sad for me to think. I need to find that romance and rekindle it with DH again. I don't want the thought of leaving to be an option for me. I do love DH. I love him so much, I just don't know what to do.
Is your DH open to counseling
Is your DH open to counseling?
I find that the actions of love build the feelings
Take the actions. Spend time with DH, do things together, the feelings will rekindle. Of course he needs to take similar actions as well.
I have a 2 year old with my SO and he has a 6 year old daughter with someone else too. BM AND SD drive me absolutely crazy add in a crazy mother in law on top of it making it seem like his other kid comes first. But yes I have opted to looking into apartments too when I get too stressed. Makes me feel better that I'm not the only one