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I can't do it all.

NoNameThx's picture

This rant is about my DH not my SD.

DH works from 4pm to 4am, comes home and plays computer and watches tv for a few hours and then sleeps til noon every single day. Takes another nap at 2pm every day. So he is awake for 2 hours a day.

I am now basically a single mom to SD10. I am exhausted. He says we split the house work, but we do not. I am expected to do it all. I also work full time. I cannot possibly handle taking care of an entire house along with everything else.

Then I get nitpicked when the carpet isn't vaccuumed or the laundry isn't folded yet. He makes darn sure he has computer time, time for the gym, and excessive time for sleep. Why can't he help?

hereiam's picture

Does he have custody of SD? Is BM dead or what?

I am having issues with my DH right now concerning housework (his lack of it) because of his job but if he started nitpicking me, I'd tell him where he could go.

My SD is 22 so that's not an issue but I would not be taking care of his kid solo, that's for damn sure.

So many selfish men out there.

simply_monica's picture

Honestly leave it there. My husband was being the same way until I got so fed up that I'd leave the laundry in the dryer until he did it. I told him once, it's either you want dinner or folded clothes. My philosophy is, "God only gave two hands".