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Husband has pictures of ex

Mamasammy's picture

Okay so my husband left his phone at home and me being the bad person I am decided to go through his photos and send pictures he has taken of us and our son to me. I was saddened to find he still had pictures of his ex baby mama. In fact, he has more pictures of her than he does of me. They were together two year we have been together almost three. I saw pictures of her holding their son at the park (which was taken when we were married) I found pictures of her learning to breastfeed pictures of her in the hospital getting ready to have their son and pictures of them on dates and such. (He has no pictures of me getting ready to have our son) he even has a picture of her standing up butt naked in the kitchen and in her underwear without a top in their bedroom. I don’t know if I should have a reaction. Should I tell him that bothers me? Should it bother me? Idk how to feel. Like, having a picture of her body in his phone I find is crossing a line. Sure he could be the kind of person who doesn’t have time to delete photos but seriously that’s not right. Should I be upset? Should I say something?

notsurehowtodeal's picture

If I found naked pictures of BM on my DH's phone, the phone would probably be broken in a million pieces from the force of me throwing it against then nearest wall. No excuse for this - none.

To put this in context, I never throw out pictures of the printed on paper kind. For some reason it seems like bad mojo. I have pictures of my ex-husbands (fully clothed) in photo albums buried in a trunk. They were, at one point in time, an important part of my life. About once a decade I might look at them. DH has old pictures in a box in the basement that include some of his ex. As far as I know he has looked at them once since we have been together.

This is way different than pictures on a phone that is used daily. Sure, the pictures might not be looked at daily - but they are easily accessible. I wouldn't accept the "I forgot to delete them" excuse - as long as you have apparently been together he has had plenty of time to delete them.

I know the general consensus is people shouldn't tell you how to feel. But I think If you didn't have a negative reaction to this - there would be something wrong! Of course you are having a negative reaction to your husband having naked pictures of his ex on his phone! If it were me - you can bet there would be a confrontation and it would not be pretty.

Indigo's picture

... for quite awhile. I would not expect you to have a huge emotional reaction to this "discovery." Who cares?

Monkeysee's picture

Your H is a dud. I understand the betrayal you must be feeling (that’s how I’d feel if I found naked pics of BM on DH’s phone. Repulsed & betrayed), but you’ve been wanting to leave for a while. Maybe it’s time to really consider your options.

just_a_girl's picture

I'm the person who doesn't have time to move her pictures from the mobile to the computer. Maybe he's the same. Nevertheless, it's his past, his memories! It is not ok to force someone to delete pictures from their past....

PS: I also have pictures with all my exes, but it's stupid to even think I still have feelings for them. *nea*

PS 2: Let him have that "picture of her standing up butt naked in the kitchen and in her underwear without a top in their bedroom." You never know when that can be usefull: custody lawsuits, blackmail ...... *diablo* - just kidding Lol )

tog redux's picture

Well, I know my DH would not have pictures of naked BM in his phone, but he does have lots of pictures in print and digital pictures of their time together. It was an important part of his life. I don’t compare the number of pictures he has of her to how many he has of me  

I also wouldn’t be going through his phone without permission, so I have mixed feelings here. If you snoop,  you have to deal with what you find.  


justmakingthebest's picture

Time together is one thing. Pictures at the hospital while she was giving birth- totally understand. The nude ones.... that is what would piss me off to no end. 

I agree though... if you go snooping you never know what you will find and there is also a chance that he didn't even realize he still had some of them. 

justmakingthebest's picture

I just went back and read another one of your blogs about wanting to leave. Have you been able to find a job? How is your relationship with your parents and/or brother/sisters? What about your in-laws? Can you move in with any of them until you get on your feet. Your DH is a bum. Chances are he won't be able to afford a lawyer you fight you for custody. File yourself and file first. You are documenting his neglect with your son and SS. Get BM on your side too- I am sure that she would love to help you in court. Most BM's would have no problem getting one over on their Ex. Plus if you testify for her she would probably be relieved to know her son won't be neglected by him either. 

Jcksjj's picture

Kind of depends on if you think the nudes were intentionally kept or if you think he just didnt realize they were and would have no problem deleting them if you asked. 

The hospital ones...well I personally wouldnt get rid of the ones from when my son was born even though it makes me cringe to see his dad in them. 

Maybe he could save them somewhere online or on a disc or something instead of having them on his phone that he uses on a daily basis. 

sammigirl's picture

First question??? Are you saving to prepare for changes in your life , as you posted before?  

Look forward and set yourself goals.  There are too many red flags in in your marriage for you NOT to consider taking serious saving and planning action to be able to move forward.  If you begin with a SERIOUS plan, it will help get.the plan in action.  Doesn't mean you won't stay, just be prepared to leave.  

It is known as "an ace up your sleeve".  I have tried to always do this, and still do after 15 years, first marriage and 39 years of marriage now.  Come on, get serious about taking care of yourself.  


Mamasammy's picture

i am saving and documenting what he does and doesn’t do in a daily basis. I am having a hard time saving a good amount of money because we share a bank account and it’s hard to take out a ton of cash to set aside without it looking suspicious. 

Rent is super expensive where we live and I need to have a good chunk of money saved up before I leave and it sucks. Just want to get Out now. I don’t have my own bed crib couch kitchen table so in and so forth. 

TrueNorth77's picture

Add this to the growing list of reasons you have to leave this shmuck. I don't think anyone could convince me that in 3 YEARS, your DH has never once looked through the pictures on his phone and just didn't realize they were on there. I have looked through my pictures approximately 150 times in the past 3 years, looking for something in particular, and my SO has too. He knows they're there. I would absolutely be mad about this.

But in the scheme of things, this is small potatoes. The fact that he is a complete dud of a father and husband is the biggest concern. I too am curious about if you are still planning on leaving?  

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

LMAO. He would no longer have a phone. There's more forms of cheating than just physical. There's emotional too. To me, this feels too much like lusting for your past. Your DH honestly shouldn't have ANY pictures of BM on his phone, let alone nudes! If he wants to PRINT the baby ones for SS when he's older (and keep them in a box in a far corner of the house or in SS's room) then that's fine. But something like that. There are ZERO excuses for that.

To me, I see it as a form of emotional infidelity. And cheating of any kind isn't tolerable. Period.

MissDenise's picture

I haven't read your blogs, but these should have been gone a long time ago. Pictures of HER while you were married? Nope I would delete every single one. I believe in moving on when you find "the one".  My husband's ex harrassed us when we got together for sometime. Her pictures are all gone.  I highly doubt he's going to say anything to you after you delete them because he was caught red handed. 

Mamasammy's picture

I confronted my husband about it and he told me his old photos transfer over to this iPhone and didn’t realize he had those. He told me he would delete them by we’ll see. He seemed pissed I went through his phone and he should be.

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

I mean I get being pissed someone went through your phone.... DH went through mine once... Coincidentally. Le Stalker found my new number (again, thank goodness he's been gone for a year and a half now!) and texted me basiclaly right when he was... I was asleep during all this... He got pissy with me. We fought. It all got better... we changed my number again. We got past it.

You had intentions of just getting pictures of you two together. So while I get he might be pissed, logically I hope he can realize that and move past it quicker for everyone's sanity.

MissDenise's picture

No he shouldn't be pissed.  My husband can use, look, see my phone anytime.  Same with me. Our computer has one passcode.


ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

She's right here. We have each other's thumbprints programed into each other's phones even. Just in case.

notasm3's picture

My DH can read anything of mine EXCEPT this site.  I wouldn't go crazy if he found this site, but I like being able to totally rant over his utterly worthless son.  I don't do that in real life out of respect for my DH.  He knows his son is flawed; I don't like to rub salt in the wounds.

If I found pictures like that (which is not going to happen since DH has no pictures on his 8 year old flip phone), I'd just delete them.

tog redux's picture

My DH knows my password to my phone. But I still expect that he would not go in there without asking me, and he expects the same from me.

If I felt the need to snoop through his phone, I would know the relationship was over.