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Help with anxiety

happygolucky's picture

My SD13 is coming back after living with BM for the summer. Towards the end of the school year SD13 was getting awful to be around. I was glad to see her leave for BM's house. Now I'm having horrible anxiety about SD13 coming back. It has been wonderful without SD13 for the summer. Even with an international move and an extended vist by my inlaws, it has still been a wonderful few months. I haven't had to deal with any pissy teenage fits or back talk. I've actually been able to enjoy my daugther and my husband without having to worry that SD13 is getting jealous. Any suggestions for helping with my anxiety of SD13 returning?

startingover2010's picture

my sd11 just got back from a year with bm. my anxiety began a week before she returned and hasnt left. i cannot stand her and bf knows this but does nothing much about her behavior.

the best advice i can give you is to focus on YOUR daughter and leave your dh to handle sd. afterall, she is HIS kid and while you are married to him, if she shows no respect then why should you dealw ith her? if a friend was treating you badly, you would discconect yourself from them. skids are no exception.

focus on you and your bd.

LYNLORA70's picture

I am new to the forum. This advice was short and sweet but so straight to the point.

I have a 8 year old SD. To describe my life a little bit I would need a whole book.

I married my husband 4 years after his divorce. He was a puppet used by his child and ex wife. We have argued so much about ex and his daughter. The fights have been horrible. My husband and I have been married for 2 years. I have 2 daughters (13 & 17). SD is 8 with a brain of a 15 year old. Her mother has sent her to my house with the power that she can run the house. I resent my SD and feel horrible about it. She is a chronic dangerous liar and I have tried my best to make her feel welcome in my home. My DH gets her every other weekend. I had her sharing a room with my youngest child, with her own bed, dresser and toybox. This child I took to the park and because I grabbed her hand and dragged her off the street she got disrespectful to the extreme. Telling me she was calling the cops on me and telling her mom I beat her up. She ran away from me crossed the street made me chase her around and all. We got home and she went toe to toe with me threatening me with her mom and how tough her mother is and that I will be scared. SD told me she did not want to come to our home, she bashed the bedroom she shares with my daughter, claims that she has to share a room and for me to know that she was ignoring all I had to say. Her dad came home gave her 3 spanks and raised hell. We fought and fought and slept apart for 3 weeks. I don't want to see that child ever again. What I buy my girls I buy her. We have a wake up on sunday and lets make a big breakfast kind of home. We bake we made plans for every other weekend. Bottom line is I am tired of her and her mother. I told my husband that through his daughter his ex comes to my home. Since I did the bedroom for her, I told him that since she don't care for it. I am locking that room and she is not allowed to go in it. My other child is on vacation so room is empty. Now she can sleep in the sofa in the living room and the dresser I painted for her in white for her cloths , I put all her cloths in a garbage bag in the living room. This will show her two things: to appreciate the little things we do for her and the other one that her mother does not have any rights in our home and that she will not go over my head. I have my rules and her mother can't do anything about it. I told my husband I will not stay with his child one second alone after the accusations she made and I want nothing to do with family time when she comes to the house. I will not be mean but I am staying away from her. I took her to the park to be nice and this is the thanks I got. Her mother is bitter and nasty. The daughter is being raised the same way. Today is the first time I see this child after the incident and my husband is waiting for me to get home so he can speak to her in front of me. I will take the advise, I have two grown daughters that I took my time to discipline and even when young they were always respectful. My husband has done nothing to take this child to a dr or anything. My husband even got a visit from social services and also from teachers complaining. SD hit a teacher on the head with a rock because she did not allow her to do what she wanted. She hit a lunch aide with a bread. My husband knows his child has serious issues and I don't want to wreck my home for this child but my husband knows the problems because of his child and ex have been very serious. I don't want no part of her anymore. I tried bonding with her by taking her to the mall and movies, I have done b'day parties for her with the family because the mother has done nothing for her. My husband has been to court at least 5 times after we got married. I am done and not trying any more. I don't want nothing to do with her and that is that. If my husband one day gets tired than he could just leave because I feel I did all that I could do.

Thanks for the advice about applying the same rule to skids with no respect. Let my husband deal with his devil child and crazy ex.

Thank God for this website.
