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havent blogged in a few days, sd driving me nuts

startingover2010's picture

so i have been trying so hard to stay out of shit, in order to keep my sanity. its so hard though, watching bf let this kid get away with shit. its so hard to keep my mouth shut.

the latest? her room is so disgusting that she broke a wooden jewlery box by stepping on it. it was under clothes and papers.

bf has been ok the last couple days but i am NOT going to say he changed his ways, cause i know he hasnt. he is simply just going with the flow, which is rediculous.

i blocked myspace from the computers cause sd was sneaking in our bedroom when i was out, and bf wont get a lock fr our door.

ok had to vent.

MarriedwithChild's picture

Ugh. I feel for you and completely understand your need to vent~~~

Get a lock for your bedroom door!!!