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Have not heard from BM since

stuknaz's picture

the time she came over about the lacrosse stick. She has not called nor has she shown her presence at our house. Keep in mind we are to have the kids EOW and there is no child support from either party. We have kept the boys for 17 weeks straight since January (because she got evicted) and when it was her turn a few weeks back DH told her to keep them for 17 weeks straight like we did!! So we have not had the boys for 3 weeks now but we have not heard hide nor hair from her at all!! Not that I'm complaining! Wink
I'm beginning to wonder if she is plotting something? In your experience did the shyt hit the fan when you haven't heard a peep from your BM??

CrystalRE's picture

Its kinda like the calm before the storm. With all due respect, I dont think I would have let her keep them for 17 weeks just because you did.

stuknaz's picture

after all the blatant disrespect and the N word comment to DH he was pissed and just too finished with them and wanted them gone. But you know it's HIS kids and that's what he wanted so...she has them now!

"And this too shall pass..."

stuknaz's picture

"And this too shall pass..."