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startingover2010's picture

first, i would like to say this site is a very good site. but i have also learned that this is not my place. i need to see a shrink, and i appreciate all the advice here.

crayon, i will miss your blogs the most. good luck with droopy.

i am sorry to all those i offended or made uncomfortable. i will be going to get the help i need.

bf thretened to send sd away. i said no. i will leave. so goodbye to all

Stick's picture

I'm so glad to see that you are getting the help you need! Please stop in and let us know once in a while how things are going...

Best of luck to you...

*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***

Selkie's picture

I want to chime in here and let you know I'm glad you're getting help, too. I'm very worried about you and your situation. I truly hope you find some resources and can find your way out. Good luck in the future and good luck getting away from that dickhead. Go enjoy your baby and have a great life without the drama and grief you've been experiencing until now.

RB's picture

I just wanted to let you know that I appreciated your comments. Please, take care of yourself and your baby and good luck with everything.

melis070179's picture

Are you serious or am I sensing some sarcasm? Sorry, I'm a little lost here.

"I child proofed my whole house, but they STILL get in!"