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FREE AT LAST! FREE AT LAST! at least for a few days anyway....

dispiritedstepmom2011's picture

sd13 left a few hours ago with bm, dopey, and dopey's mother....ah, the quietness is overwhelming! and the change in bd5 is amazing! she is CALM! lol, so calm in fcat, i had to begg her to go to the park with me!

so tonite will be serene, as will sunday and monday. monday evening i have my last class for the semester and by the time i get home, all will be in bed. i wont have to see or hear sd13 until tuesday morning when i wake her up for school!!!! im so excited i could shit rainbows!

yesterday was HELL. in home therapy didnt go well. sd13 admitted to hating me and having reasons. when asked for the reasons, she told her therapist "not gonna say. its pointless i will just maike her life hell till shye leaves". wow. so bd5 and i left, took off in the car and had a nice mommy/daughter dinner of happy meals at the park, then drove around the hood looking at lights. by the time we arrived home, sd and bf were asleep. bd and i watched part of a christmas show before she fell asleep herself. then i went to bed.