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Found out BM is falling asleep driving!

JacksGal's picture

We just found out that for about 7 months now BM has been falling asleep driving! To the point of snoring! She lost her job due to falling asleep at work and was diagnosed with sleep apnea. She got a mouth device but apparently she doesn't like it so she isn't using it and has a hundred excuses as to why she won't use a CPAP machine. Instead she is risking the lives of the skids and everyone else on the road by falling asleep at the wheel. Not just long drives, short ones too. She thinks drinking more soda will help apparently and has been downing soda and chocolate.

BF gave her hell, but I don't know what else to do. How could you prove this in court without an accident? I don't want to wait for that to happen. Any suggestions?

Onefootout's picture

That's crazy. You sure there isn't any kind of substance abuse problem? I wouldn't rule that out, sleep apnea or not.

JacksGal's picture

No, no GAL. They worked out the divorce between themselves and didn't go the full court route. Lawyers only to file the paperwork after they worked it all out. I don't think there is a substance abuse problem. SS15 would have told us. She does have an internet addiction and stays up all hours of the night playing Second Life though. The sleep apnea was diagnosed, he could use that if he had to take her to court, but nobody can prove she's not wearing the device. No matter what, if she has an accident, she'll lose everything she has and some poor innocent people could lose too. We just found out tonight and I've been racking my brain trying to figure out what we can do about this.

The only thing I can think of is that she has a multitude of health problems from poor diet. She is very overweight and refuses to diet and that could help many of her issues like high blood pressure and such. I wonder if he could take her to court saying she's putting the kids at risk due to being at risk for stroke and heart attack by refusal to do anything to care for her health?

oldone's picture

Actually they may be able to prove if she is not using the device. The current CPAP machines record the usage and store it. A 15 year old should be mature enough to also testify as opposed to a 5 year old.

JacksGal's picture

Well, as much as I don't like getting the kids involved, we got SS15 to address the issue with BM at dropoff today. He's the only one currently home from camp. This involves his life, literally his life, and he is the one most often in the front seat with her. He discussed it with us last night and he has been concerned with it himself. With his father there next to him, he told BM that she has to use the mouth guard and get additional testing. Today she said she got it fitted in the last few days, funny how that didn't come out yesterday which makes me think she nagged her way into the doctor yesterday afternoon once BF confronted her. BF made it clear she was risking their children's lives and she agreed to use the device and go for more testing.

SS is old enough to understand the seriousness of this issue and the effects it could have on him as well as his brother and sister. I hate to rob him of yet more of his childhood, but I want him to continue living and if it means him understanding enough to watch her more closely when she is driving, that's the way it has to be to achieve that.

I hope this works, I really do.