Football and SS and Summer question
I know that each school system is different, but am looking for general information on how the summer conditioning for football works.
SS14 will have the opportunity to work out with the high school team. IF he does this he then has the opportunity to dress and sit on the sidelines with the varsity team. He says the program is all summer long- and is MWF from 10-12.
Here is my problem:
We get ss half the summer. We can't get him to the school DH works 50 minutes north, SS lives almost 30 - 40 minutes away from us. We have no family that can provide transportation. I could see BM forcing visitation knowing that we can't provide the transportation. I can also see SS refusing to come at all because we can't provide transportation.
has any other NCP run into this and how have you worked it out?
We aren't NCP but have 50/50
We aren't NCP but have 50/50 of our youngest skid. We have told BM3 expressly I'm writing that she can enroll her in whatever she wants during her parenting time, but depending on other obligations we have with the kids that live here full time, we may or may not take her to anything we didn't enroll her in. Nor will she be allowed to disrupt our parenting time to pick her up and take her. The kid is 4 and BM is notorious for signing her up for stuff, then dropping out after 2 or 3 months. We don't take seriously anything she does. We just ignore her yapping.
Varsity at 14? That's a big
Varsity at 14? That's a big deal. Kudos to your SS.
What about public transportation or paying an older student to pick up/drop off? Surely varsity has seniors on it looking to make a little gas money. Maybe take DH to work those days & keep the car? A neighbor, friend looking to make a few extra $$. At last resort, negotiate with BM - she transports for the activity for the summer - you'll do transportation for the rest of the year? Bring him back & forth Sun, Tues, Thurs?
I wouldn't give up the time completely but I'd try to be creative, I think you have to at least look at options to not come out the bad guy in this.
We don't live in his school
We don't live in his school system, this is the biggest problem. And we are in a rural area- no public transportation here. DH works has to work at 630 and has about a 45-50 minute commute, he usually leaves around 515 to give himself time. I have about a 30 minute commute. While I am more local to SS hometown, there would be no way that I could get him to and from. And the constant running every evening to his house to get him after DH gets off would almost double his $70-$75 a week gas bill.
If the program is all summer our only option is to not exercise extended visitation. This kind of thing happened before. We were told he had the huge opportunity, so we said ok, then he didn't do it! This time is totally different though we definitely see the benefit of him staying with BM to have the opportunity. I just don't want to see him stopping the extended visits to our house And I don't want to hear the fall out of DH being a crappy dad and not wanting to see his sun, or the one I love..... you never do your extended visits- really???? We would in a heart beat just quit telling us NO, we can't have them because they hate being in our house.