family therapy??
My SO wants to try couples/family therapy. Has anyone done this? how does it work? does it actually help? I'm about at the end of my rope but SO still wants to hang on. I think mostly we hang on for our 9 month old together.
It can work, but you need to
It can work, but you need to find a therapist who's a good fit for you. I'd recommend consulting with a few different ones before deciding to find a good personality fit.
There are therapists in many fields, psychology and social work being the main two. In general, psychologists focus more on personal pathology whereas social workers tend to focus more on the "big picture," a person's life situation, family, environment and circumstances. I'm not saying one is better than the other.
Very, VERY importantly, find one who has experience with blended family and remarriage issues. I can't stress this enough!
DH and I see an LCSW (Licensed Certified Social Worker) who is a stepmother and dealt with PAS from the BM and skids in her life. She's awesome.
This is just a very brief bit of advice, but I hope it helps.
Individual counseling has
Individual counseling has helped me a great deal through the years with lots of stuff. Couples/marriage counseling was a bust.
That December, ex-DH announced to counselor that he loved me and wanted to stay together, yap-yap. Valentines day I discovered $ 50,000 missing from our retirement account. I was divorced 3 months later.
So, I guess that I can say it just depends on the couple and how willing you BOTH are to work. Good luck
DH and I go to therapy and I
DH and I go to therapy and I go to individual therapy. We haven't been going very long but I feel like it is helping. We've been able to table things until we got to therapy that we otherwise normally wouldn't have been able to do.
We mainly discuss our blended family because outside of his daughter we don't really have marital issues. I can say it's helping but he is very pro therapy and he thinks it is helping too. Both people need to want to be involved and make it work.
What is the worst that can happen if you go?