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PolyMom's picture

So my ex just posted to facebook, and has been telling my children for weeks his intention to purchase a home, four houses away from my home. I mean, I totally get that it's none of my business. The house he intends to purchase was vacated by a super old lady, and needs roughly $60K of upgrades, that he'll never do....he's just jumping at the "lower" price, not at all taking that into consideration...I know how this goes.... And while, I'm putting a smile on my face for my kids, I so do not want to be neighbors with my ex! I mean..I know I have plenty of other things to focus on and worry about...but holy shit. Seriously? shaking my head. Would anyone else be horrified at the prospect of being neighbors with their ex?

robin333's picture

No, I would not like that and I would move. No way do I want BM as my neighbor. Or the skids.

I sincerely hope this doesn't happen to you.

I'm sitting here with visions of BM dropping by to borrow something but also visions of having sex on the porch, lawn, trampoline... You know, so she could see some of the new skills DH has been taught. So, I might wait a month before moving.

PolyMom's picture

I'm not about to let him run me out of my house. It's just annoying....and I need to vent it out. This is the same guy who has been dating women specifically because they used to go to high school with me, or live down the street from me...that kind of thing. Then when the last one threw him out, he got an apartment close to my house, which was annoying, but not so...permanent. He drives past my house all the time, and takes walks through my neighborhood. It's just creepy. We co-parent pretty well, and we've been dealing with child support modifications, so he seemed to rush into this offer amidst that as well. I don't's just not sitting well with me. He told DD10 not to tell me he was even looking at this house, so she's been acting all distant and secretive with me the past week or so It's really frustrating.

Maxwell09's picture

A friend of mine had parents who divorced because her dad slept with the lady next door. He moved out of one house and into her house. Her and her brother would literally walk across the lawn to their mom's or dad's depending on where they wanted to go. I can't say if it was the best idea but there was no love lost when they divorced anyway so I guess that made everything easier.

LikeMinded's picture

I'd be worried about the kids taking the custody schedule in their own hands. For example, "you need to do your homework", "I'll do it later, I promised to say hi to dad, see you later..."

still learning's picture

Same here. If we never had kids together I would have forgotten what he looks like by now.

StepLady's picture

We live in the same gated community as BM1. To be fair, she went from Dh's home to one of her own. She is loaded in her own right and could afford. It was this before I got here. It works well for the kids, and neither party is close enough to look in windows or get too nosey, so its all good.