Easter & Spring Break
On Easter, we went to my friend's house for a massive Easter Egg Hunt. SD, who is 9, cried (huge sobbing tears) 4 times, pouted or sulked off by herself an additional 4 times - and we were there less than 3 hours. On top of that, SD and DS got into like 3 squabbles. It was exhausting!!! I dealt with the 2 of the crying episodes by giving her an ice cube, but DH dealt with all the other issues. The last squabble was on the way to the IL's - SD was crying (for the 5th time) saying that she had a headache, but still wanted to have a 3rd Easter Egg Hunt. DS asked, "I thought your head hurt." DH lost it and fussed at both kids. Then told both kids that if they couldn't say anything nice to each other, then ignore each other for the rest of the day. It was so great not to have to be the bad guy for a change!!!