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does this stat sound about right??

leftfield's picture

The men that I find attractive, have things in common with and whom I find interesting.... all have KIDS.

The men I am not attracted to on any level... DON't have kids.

Dealbreaker = men with kids.

I am almost 34, the odds of me finding a man who don't have kids around this vicinity? probably 1:250,000?

dodgegal05's picture

hard to say, with the rising numbers of women not wnating to have any children, the numbers of men could also be rising. can't hurt to look if you are single I guess.

Auteur's picture

Don't go for looks!!!! Then we become no better than stodgy old men looking to pay for T&A!!! What does he have in the BANK??? That is what matters! Sorry to sound so cynical but after years of picking:

1. husband number one; not attractive, nice voice, no people skills, brainiac but now a third time bankruptcy filer and on disability with a PHD, no work ethic LOSER

2. husband number two; attractive, nice voice, one adopted son from previous marriage that I never saw; was a violent alcoholic and drank himself to death. Ended up dying on welfare

3. GG (biodad I live with) who is attractive, has THREE PASed out KIDS (what the hell was i THINKING??!!) not so nice voice, bad with money; has filed bankruptcy twice, let the Behemoth take him to the cleaners (he didn't even take 50% of what was his) very skilled in all things contractor, hard work ethic, pays over half his net salary to the Behemoth (BM) and has turned into an abusive alcoholic

In all three scenarios I was (and still am) the breadwinner.

Find yourself a nice rich, childless man; looks not so important.

Disneyfan's picture

You may find men that age who have never been married, but that doesn't mean they aren't a dads.

If you hope to have kids one day, stay away from ugly men.

leftfield's picture

If u are near Spfld, we shoyld meet for coffee sometime and vent about the BM's, etc. LOL.

Roarin1's picture

It's probably harder to find than when you were in your twenties, but not impossible. Try a dating website so that you can narrow your search. Nothing wrong with it. Millions of people have met online and ended up really happy.

cant win for losin's picture

Im just gonna be a cougar, and get em fresh out of school. LOL
just kiddin