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DH/SD vacation? Need feedback

Imastep's picture

I've posted here before, I'm in a messy situation with a DH who worships his 17 yr old daughter and tend to ignore me and our special needs daughter age 10. At any rate, DH now has two trips planned with just DD. This summer they are going to Europe together for her graduation present, SD wants "time alone" with DH so basically me and our younger daughter are not invited. I'm trying to deal with it, but inside I"m resentful and frankly jealous because I love to travel. So I booked a short trip to Europe as well with our younger DD, and we will all meet somewhere at the end for the few days. But basically I get the raw end of the deal because I will have to deal with a 10 year old who could present behavior problems while my DH and SD galavant around. Then SD decided because it was her last spring break at home before college she had to go skiing at spring break. Because of various scheduling issues the trip can only be 5 days total and the travel is rigorous involving planes and 4 hour car trips at the break of dawn. I decided that it wasn't worth it to bring younger daughter as it could be hell with their breakneck schedule. Now SD has invited her school friend so DH will go with 2 teenage girls, and I just found out now DH has invited his best friend (who is single) and his friend's 16 yr old son. Is it wrong for me to be resentful? I'm left at home for spring break with a kid while they party it up. Is it right to feel jilted?

I know ultimately I should leave him, I just can't bring myself to do it because of the disruption for our special needs child. And it doesn't hurt that we are very financially secure so I can book my own trips to Europe when I get mad at him. I appreciate very much the choices that money gives me but I can vouch that it does not buy happiness. I'm very lonely and long to be in a relationship with someone who pays attention to me and isn't verbally abusive Sad

byebyebirdie's picture

i am so sorry that you have to go though that. how selfish of him... i would be resentful to and i would not choose to join up with him at the end of the trip either. i would go if you want to go and just have fun with your DD but there would be no way i would want to meet up with him. do your own thing

Jsmom's picture

Nothing wrong with how you are feeling. Me, I would not tolerate a mini wife in my SD. He needs to know you are not happy about this...

QuailCreek's picture

I would not be okay if DH did that but he has tried.

Rule 1: Anything concerning the family, he needs to discuss it with you before he acts on it.Doesn't mean you'll always get your way. It's simply good communication.

Rule 2: Coming from someone who has a more frugal budget, if the vacation hasn't been with the family before it usually won't happen unless agreed.

You said you should leave and I have to agree. Disabled or not your daughter shouldn't be a witness or a victim to your DH's treatment.

Imastep's picture

Thank you for the feedback. There is nothing I can talk to about to DH, he will dismiss me as "unreasonable" and he basically does not allow me to give feedback and he refuses to participate in two way conversations and problem solving. And he could care less if DD and I do our own trip! He puts no limitations on me that way, I can do whatever I want/go wherever I want and he wants the same thing for himself, i.e. no questions asked. I have asked him more than once why he wants to be married!! He just seems to want to do his own thing with SD. I think he originally wanted to remarry to make a "family" for SD but it didn't work out that way.
He did not actually exclude us from the spring break trip but I declined to attend due to the logistic sof the travel schedule, which my younger daughter would not tolerate well and I'd bear the brunt of it.
I'd love to invite some friends to come with me and DD this summer but honestly, none of my friends can afford it and they all have "normal" families and vacation together Sad
It is hard to be me, can I just have a big pity party? Like I said, money doesn't buy happiness. I was much happier at other times in my life when I didn't have these blended family issues and I had much less disposable income.

QuailCreek's picture

If you can afford it just buy condo close by and visit there OFTEN. That would be a vacation wouldn't it? Your daughter being there so much she would get used it so no problem there. If the time comes and you have the strength to file than do you can with little disruption.

It's a gradual separation.

MarselleB's picture

I think you've answered your own questions. Honestly, be happy you are financially secure, and since you have a special needs child...he will always have to pay support. I have friends who are older and stuck in bad relationships because of finances.

I would not follow them to Europe, but plan something on your own, and start looking for your own place. You would be much happier down the road with someone who treats you much better. Down the road if you go back to work f/t, you can employ some p/t help with your daughter. There are so many options, but honestly you are wasting years with this guy. The fact that he was basically cheating on you, is a deal breaker as well.

Imo it isn't about your daughter, as much as self esteem issues. Once you get out of that cycle of dysfunction, you could have a much better life with your own kids, friends, etc. Sorry but it's obvious this guy doesn't really care about you.

2Tired4Drama's picture

This is about much more serious issues than vacation.

IMO, your DH has disconnected from you and your SD10. And maybe the reason is because of her special needs.

As awful as it sounds, it appears he enjoys fatherhood with his "normal" child, and maybe feels SD10 is too much to handle and he would rather avoid including her (and you) in activities as it may affect his "fun."

He sounds like a jackass who has psychologically changed you from his wife into his full-time caregiver who is responsible for his special needs child.

No man who loves someone would treat them with such disregard. You may have money but let me ask you this: How much is your life (and SD10's) worth? Can you put a dollar amount on it?

If not, then you should be contacting an attorney and figuring out how to get out of this situation. If your DH doesn't want to be a husband and father to SD10, then fine. But he shouldn't plan on any extravagant European vacations for himself and SD17 in the future, because much of his income will go to supporting the two of you.

Imastep's picture

Catmom I couldn't agree with you more! It blows my mind that SD wants to spend all her time here with DH. The minute she walks in the door she says "Where's Daddy?". She is actually a sweet girl and really not that bratty, a little entitled but not extremely so. Its not her fault that DH puts her first is it?

Beacountable, I took DD to Animal Kingdom lodge and on a Disney Cruise last summer (by myself, DH chose not to attend). DD is not a big fan of Disney, too overwhelming.

Ripley, DH is willing to take our younger daughter for me to go away alone. But he does not tolerate her behaviors well, does not follow the behavior plan the therapists have recommended for her, forgets to give her her meds, etc. So she is miserable when she is with him. Last night she talked back to him (a frequent occurrence, part of her behavior issues) and he slapped her across the top of the head, hard. This is the kind of stuff he does with her, tries to get her to regulate herself by fear based parenting, physical force, etc. I have no problems with traditional parenting, and in fact was the biggest fan until I had my own SN child and realized that these type kids don't respond to spankings, etc and there are other ways of dealing with it. He doesn't get it and insists on a Dr Spock approach that backfires.

I agree that losing my dignity is not worth $$$. But its hard to think extracting myself from this situation and having DD spend every other weekend with him if he wanted that.

Generic's picture

When did Dr Spock advocate head slapping? I thought he pioneered the gentler approach?
Nope, you smack my kid-hell, any kid like that and it's on. I am guilty of a pop on the bottom every once in a while, but it's usually done out of my own frustration.

Orange County Ca's picture

Imastep your daughter has a counselor or something similar see what s/he thinks about you divorcing. Is it possible that you and daughter can stay in the house so daughter has little disruption? In fact it would be no more than when he goes on his trips would it? Just a longer one, probably real long, because I think this guy has not the balls to take care of his special needs daughter and won't be seeing much of her once the divorce is put into motion.

He's now physically abusing her and verbally abusing you. He's mentally turned both of you out of his life. I wonder why he has not gotten a mistress yet - perhaps he has. Surely you're not having sex with him are you?

Anyway I think with careful planning you can pull off a divorce without it being too upsetting to the girl and that's what you need to do. Do your preparation as best you can before the trip and finalize it while he's gone so he can return home to his suitcases on the porch and the locks changed if possible. He deserves no better.

Imastep's picture

Ok I am listening to all this advice. But one last daughter really really loves SD, they are sisters after all. She adores her big sister. If we divorced then it would be very messy as far as how to get my daughter and SD together to visit. But SD is going to college next year so I guess they won't see much of each other anyway.

Imastep's picture

Fightin, they are technically half sisters I guess because SD has a different mom. And btw, special needs younger daughter is not bio, she is adopted. Thats how others have explained away DH's preference for his own DD, i.e. blood is thicker than water.
I don't think he has a mistress. I've monitored cell phone, email etc behind his back. Hate to be a sneak but a few years ago when things got very rough and we were talking separation he propositioned a woman by email (how dumb can you get?) and said he was interested in a "serious relationship". And I caught him also when he emailed a few single women from work when I was out of town and his single friend was at our house, asking the women if they were interested in a fun night our because his single friend was interested in meeting them . Hmmmm. So I can't totally trust him, but I don't think he has the time or energy to keep up with a whole other relationship outside of ours and that with his DD.
Fightin, you are right on the money...I am SO beaten down. If I move out I'll have to get a full time job (I work part time now) and it will be stressful dealing with my special needs daughter. If I ask him to leave he will use that and forever be the martyr, which I guess I could get use to.
Thanks for the replies, all very helpful and insightful. Its hard to know what is a deal breaker. Everything can eventually be explained away and/or forgiven and then I find myself saying that staying is the path of least resistance Sad

Imastep's picture

Sueu, you are very harsh. It is NOT all about the money. First and foremost it is about my DD. If I did not have her, I would have left him long ago. She is adopted and had trauma as a baby before we adopted her. She has already lost a birth family. I don't take it lightly to tear our family apart. I supported myself for years in a high level career and I have no qualms about my ability to be independent. Yes I am complaining but this board is also a place for people to vent their feelings. And I don't hate my SD, I never used that term and never would. She is not the problem, its how DH treats me. I have valued the input of every person here until I read your comments. Don't be so judgmental and don't put words like "hate" in my mouth.