Dead Dog Foot Print
About a month ago a dog that had been SS's Stepdads died. The dog was Stepson's Stepdad's Dad's Dog that came to live with them and then they gave it to someone else. (sorry confusing I know) Well they got a paw print thing made to keep at our house. DH's opinion is that SS7 can keep it as long as it stays in his room. I want to send it back. SS7 wants to on our fireplace mantel. (Um hell no) I want to send it back because we have a 2 year old things get broken I don't want this to be one of them as well as when SS brings it out (which he will) to show BS2 I will be pissed I don't want to have any discussions about this dog with my 2 year old. When our dog died we respected their home and not send anything there. What would you all do?
I would let him keep it in
I would let him keep it in his room.
If you keeps putting it all
If you keeps putting it all around the house would you send it back then??
Little history BM has a history of sending weird things to our house. She has sent the 4 pictures of her and DH with SS to our house multiple times and just weird things like this another one was a baby book about SS completely filled out by her and the part DH should have filled out was creepy and about their love for each other. Normally we just send everything back.
If he is told to keep the paw
If he is told to keep the paw print in his room, and he does not, then it goes to BM's.
That makes sense your dog
That makes sense your dog your house your rules. SS wants it on our mantel place. It wasn't our dog and it wasn't actually SS's dog either.
That makes sense your dog
That makes sense your dog your house your rules. SS wants it on our mantel place. It wasn't our dog and it wasn't actually SS's dog either.
I worry about WWIII over if
I worry about WWIII over if it gets broken as well as opening Pandoras box about what he can/can't bring back and forth between homes. It has been a problem in the fast where BM sends inappropriate stuff so we put a rule that nothing goes back and forth. We send him back in the exact clothes he comes in as well as toys from their house aren't allowed out of his backpack. It has been a big deal in the past when things get broken or we can't produce a sock the moment BM wants that sock back. (it was stupid)
Your post says it was made
Your post says it was made for him to keep at your house, if he breaks it, that's on him and BM can suck it.
By all means, send crap back that has no business in your home but the paw print is a little different than some weird baby book.
This reminds me of our BM.
This reminds me of our BM. BM and SO had three dogs during their marriage, very beloved family pets. Unfortunately they all died within the space of a year or so. Since BM had them cremated she combined the ashes in a really nice
urn with the rainbow bridge poem with the names and dates of death. It was a very nice tribute but when she left she didn't take it with her. When SO and I decided to move in together he wanted BM to have the urn so he sent it with his DD20
at the time thinking he was doing a nice thing.
BM lost her ever loving mind she said it BELONGED with SO and that if I didn't like that was too bad. She called and texted and tried to bring it back to him which at that point he was over the sentimental value of it because she acted
like such a crazy person over it. The funny thing was I knew nothing about it until SO finally fessed up to me because on one of her tirades to me in the beginning she said it was my fault the pets weren't with SO. I literally had no
idea what she was talking about. So he had to tell me the story :O :O