can you hear me BM
this is for you. If you ever read this. I have not talked to you in 3 years. Because you have shown me over and over again that you are a terrible, negative parent. You have a daughter that needs you, crys for you, but you are not there. Over and over you think of only you. Your partys, your friends , where is the next "good time".
You are a selfish ugly person, may you rot in your filth .
Sorry guys i needed to write this for me. I hope some way she reads this. I really do. Im so so so mad at this woman !
I'm impressed
that your note to her would be so calm. You are a much better, cool collected cat then I am. I think you have a lot more to write!
And it is amazing how "BLANKET" this post really is. It could have been writen by a number of us on here, and been meant for SO many BM's out there. It was almost theriputic just READING it.
I do agree with Ema though... seems like you may have a lot more to say, if you are going to have diarrea of the mouth, this is the place to do it!
~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~ ; )
of the mouth? LOL
How about WORD VOMIT? hehe
can you say... *BITCH*!!!!!!!!!!! please?
LET IT OUT... I know is there somewhere...
And no, sadly, odds are, she won't hear you...
But you can give me her number and i'll read it to her **WINK WINK**