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Can someone explain this thinking to me?

PeanutandSons's picture

Ok, I am pregnant with my second bio son right now, due May 12. DH has mentioned a few times that it bothers him that the baby is due in May, because that's SD's birth month. She was born on May 1. That May is her month and it makes him sad that he has to share it. He even went so far as to say that maybe we should induce at 37 weeks to ensure that bioson will for sure be born in April. I tell him absolutely not, if he comes early on how own that's one thing, but I am not inducing. And I also point out that our first bioson was born April then those two would share a "birth month" (eye roll). But apparently that completely different and he doesn't care the two boys even share the same birthday weekend, that he just wants May to be just for SD. I don't get it. Why does he care at all which month it is, and why is SD somehow different than the other kids and need a whole month?

PeanutandSons's picture

He's not harping on it or anything, but he's mentioned it in passing several times in the past few months. I just don't get why it bothers him.

PeanutandSons's picture

I'm not sure he was serious in his request.... It was more him thinking out loud. But this issue has obviously been in his mind because he mentioned it a few times.

And its not like he takes any special interest in the kids birthdays. I do all the planning and buying of gifts. So its not even like birthdays are his special thing or anything. And ss was born in valentines day (stupid bm planned it that way, thought it was so cute to have a valentines baby) so its not like he even gets a special day all to himself, why does SD get a whole month in his mind?

I get wanting all the kids to feel like their birthdays are their special day..... Id want atleast to have them not share a weekend so we don't burn people out with parties/obligations, but to want her (and only her) to have a month to herself? The babies birthday would actually be CLOSER to sd's if he was born the end of April instead of his due date..... But he is just concerned with the actual month of May. The dates are two weeks apart...farther apart than bio son and SD..... So I just don't see the problem. No matter what, we are going to have three birthdays in a months time.

B22S22's picture

I don't even know what to say.

Maybe DH should have "planned better"

As another poster said -- inducing at 37 weeks? Ridiculous! Induction before mom/baby are ready can (and often will) result in arrested labor, failure of the baby to descend, undue stress on the baby (aka fetal distress), and ending up in a c-section. Trust me, I did extensive research on the subject of inductions.

Gee, I want MY OWN month too. Unfortunately I have to share it with Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and New Year's Eve. Damn my parents for not planning better....

caregiver1127's picture

I see this as a big problem with your DH - I just don't get the whole SD/DH connection and thank God I never will have to deal with it - I have a SS. He needs to grow up and realize that all of his kids are equal - we all get it shoved down our throats all the time that our skids are just as important as our bios so he needs to realize that his kids with you are just as important.

I would also tell him that I am 7 months pregnant and saying something like that to me really hurts and if he says it again I would not be responsible for the beatdown he will get. I am serious if my DH had ever said something like that to me would piss me off but also worry me about his state of mind regarding his daughter. I mean really to suggest that you induce early so that your sons can share a birthday but not his daughter in his mind your family is separate and always will be so no matter what you do to try and join it will not work because he thinks his daughter is the best. Believe me as she gets older and she realizes that she is the most important to him I guarantee you will be on here complaining that you feel like she is the second wife - you need to tell him how much this hurts you and he needs to stop - also if he did not want to have 2 children in the month of May then he should have abstained from having sex with you 9 months before!!! Good luck with this one!!

PeanutandSons's picture

Oh, she already realizes that she's the princess. Even the extended family treats her that way. As the only girl she has been pampered and given special treatment from day one. She is really the cause of all my marital issues. My ss is very difficult, adhd, but my Dh and I are on the same page with him and his disipline. With her, she can do no wrong. Even if she does the same exact thing her brother did, he doesn't get mad or punish her, where ss will for sure be punished and he will stay mad at him for a while.

I can't think of the last fight we had, that didn't have SD at the crux of it.

Auteur's picture

Explain it? NO you can't explain stupidity.

Your DH is the problem not SD. He and his family are the ones parenting via guilt!! I see HUGE red flags here for you and your bios!!! Odds are you will end up being a single parent either literally or symbolically as DH is totally obsessed with his "first family."

PeanutandSons's picture

That's very true..... Honestly I do see myself as a single parent at some point. And most days now that's how it feels. He doesn't participate much in the day to day care of any of the kids.

Both of my bio kids are his as well. So all the kids in the house are his biological children. What gets me though, is that its not both of the step that he sites on..... It's just SD. I could almost understand if it was both of my steps, and he was giving them the extra attention since their mothers arent here, so he's trying to be both mom and dad..... But feeling that our kids didn't need that because I am here. But its just SD that gets the elevated status. And its only gotten worse since we found out bio child 2 is going to be another now shes his one and only princess.

Auteur's picture

You are in for a terribly rough road ahead as she has been allowed to have "adult spousal status." She will soon enter the realm of "mini wife." I would keep a close eye on your bios as many of these "mini wives" have been known to inflict harm on their half-siblings.

PeanutandSons's picture

I already make sure they aren't alone together. She has a very mean spiteful side to her, and she pushed, kicked, pinched and hit him before. I watch all their interaction closely and don't let them be alone in a room together.

I am actually even more worried about the new baby. She hasn't shown any interest or really even aknlwledged that we are having another baby, so I don't trust her at all. When bioson was born she was atleasy excited and happy about having a baby in the house.

Auteur's picture

THe older they get, the worse they get especially if they know they can "do no wrong" in daddykins eyes. Watch your back (and your bios back too)

I'd be planning my exit if any peabrained biodad said this to me.

PeanutandSons's picture

I hate to admit it, but I am making a backup exit plan if things don't get better. Coming to this site is one of my last ditch efforts to see if things can be made better. I want to make sure it not just me being overly sensitive, or something I can make a change with myself to improve things.

I've pretty much come to the conclusion that Dh isn't going to change. So I guess I am kind of at a point where I just need to decide what I can live with and what I cant. It just sucks, that my entire life and my kids lives are hinging on SD. When she's out of the picture (at school or in bed) my husband and I get along great.... He's not perfect, but we fit well together.

Crazy_in_Ohio's picture

I claim the month of July. No other babies may be born in July and all others who have birthdays in July should now cease to exist. Then I shall be a special unique snowflake with a whole month to myself.


Obviously, I'm being sarcastic but seriously, that's got to be one of the most absurd and ridiculous statements I've heard in regards to putting your child on a pedastal. You've got way more tolerance than me. The first time that would have come out of someone's mouth, it would have been a day they rued they opened their mouth at all.

He's got some serious princess issues. My thoughts go out to you.

Bio father's picture


cant win for losin's picture

Shit. Now when am i suppose to celebrate my birthday? LOL

And i cannot believe my parents only acknowleged my birthDAY and not my birth MONTH, no wonder i am all fucked up!!!! Thanks for nuttin mom n dad.

Ha ha ha

alwaysanxious's picture

I'm pretty sure the next time he says it, I would have a response ready that expresses how ridiculous I think his "idea" is.

"Gosh DH, what about all those other birthdays in May? What shall we do about those? I mean we can avoid having new baby born in May by risking his and my health by inducing early, but there is still all those other horrible people who dared be born in May"

Then I'd call him a dumb ass and tell him princess gets a birthDAY not a birth MONTH. And I'd call her princess too very sarcastically.

People need to be called out for their stupidity. They get away with it far too often.

Auteur's picture

Here's the deal though. They are UNWILLING to hear it as ridiculous. They are obsessed with the "first family" and no matter how really ludicrous it is, they will never "get it." It's like being alcohol or drug dependent. Hiding beer in the toilet tank doesn't sound ridiculous to a drunk.

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

Ehh, in some ways I can understand but from the other side. If and when I have a baby with FDH, I don't want it to be in the same month as SS. I may be selfish for thinking that, but I don't want to have a chance that SS will overshadow our child (especially since so many bioparents end up feeling guilty and so do the grandparents.)

It's so one of the reasons I don't want to get married during any of the months with holidays. November is Thanksgiving, December is Xmas and my father's birthday, Jan is New Years and my grandpa's birthday and Chinese new years, Feb is Valentines day, FDH and FMIL's birthdays, March is still a bit too cold, April is easter and my mother's birthday, June is my birthday, July is my sister's birthday, August is a bit too hot, September is too late, October is SS's birthday.

So I picked May as our wedding month. It's just too much to plan and organize otherwise, as well as financially it is less feasible for the other months because we're spending money on everyone else.

March or June would probably be when I'd plan to give birth when we try for a baby for the same reasons listed above.

However, I do NOT agree with how your DH has handled things, I think he should have thought about it beforehand instead of bringing it up now. That's just tactless and rude, especially when there's such a health risk and double standard. If he didn't want it on either your first bio's or your SD's month, I guess I can understand the sentiment (but NOT HIS SUGGESTION FOR INDUCTION), but this is clearly a case of favoritism.

Our BM had herself induced because she wanted SO to be there on the day of. Sat in labor for 2-3 days. Freakin' idiot.

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

Aw geez, I totally forgot about that one. Haha.

Derf. I guess money has to be spent every month then.

My family doesn't celebrate mother's day but FDH's does. Oh geez. Haha, it's one mindf*** trying to find the best way to save money. Yikes...

I'm going to exhausted EVERY month then (last mother's day I coordinated and cooked up an entire barbecue for FMIL. How could I forget that I spent the next day in bed totally vegetated?)

--edit: maybe I should just celebrate ALL the holidays in ONE month. So I have the rest of the year free. >.>

Auteur's picture

I feel the same way about Thanksgiving and Easter. Although I LOVE to cook, I"m exhausted the next day as those two holidays are two day marathons for me!

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

Criminey... don't even get me started on what I had to do for Thanksgiving... and Christmas...

My eyes were haunted afterwards.

skylarksms's picture

[PB had herself induced so she could have a Xmas baby. She, herself, was born on Thanksgiving that year. She thinks she is VERY SPECIAL.]

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

Yikes! Sounds like my BM, willing to put her child at risk so she could get what she wants.

Well jokes on her! She couldn't deliver in time and my FDH left for the airport before the baby was delivered. Her doctor and sister even said that it would have been better if she wasn't so controlling.

Ugh, these BMs sicken me.

Not-the-mom's picture

So, according to your husband, the Month of May is ONLY reserved for his kid?

So, does this mean that every other child born in the month of MAY needs to move their birthday also? :O

Put the blame on him. Tell him if he hadn't had sex with you in August or September, this wouldn't have happened. Tell him that in the future, he is not allowed to have sex with you in either of those months, because of the chance of you having another baby in MAY! It's HIS fault you are pregnant and having a baby in May.

If this baby was planned, it is HIS fault for not realizing that he shouldn't have gotten you pregnant in August or September - if he didn't want a baby in May.

What an idiot! Blum 3

PeanutandSons's picture

Ironically, yes this baby was planned and he picked the timing. I have wanted a second child for about a year, and he was on the fence. Mid-august he decided out of the blue (we hadn't been talking about it) that he wanted another baby. We concieved that night, so he literally picked this baby's due date.

Anonymous_stepmom's picture

WTH? My two oldest were born in Jan my two youngest were born in Sept (It wasn't planned that way I swear!) and I have never thought this way about it before! He sounds ridiculous.

the_stepmonster's picture

I don't have any explanation for your husband's temporary lack of brain cells, but just wanted to share that my due date is May 10 Smile

sherwoodforest's picture

Hi Peasnutandsons. Looks like the lessons we learned in Kindergarten have been forgotten and/or misplaced by SD and DH.

Refresher courses are a good thing.

The alternative would be sweeping the driveway and sidewalk with toothbrushes.

Rule number one: Princesses are OK, but there is ONLY ONE QUEEN.

Rule number two:


All I really need to know about how to live and what to do and how to be I learned in kindergarten. Wisdom was not at the top of the graduate school mountain, but there in the sand pile at school.

These are the things I learned:

Share everything.
Play fair.
Don't hit people.
Put things back where you found them.
Clean up your own mess.
Don't take things that aren't yours.
Say you're sorry when you hurt somebody.
Wash your hands before you eat.
Warm cookies and cold milk are good for you.
Live a balanced life - learn some and think some and draw and paint and sing and dance and play and work every day some.
Take a nap every afternoon.
When you go out in the world, watch out for traffic, hold hands and stick together.
Be aware of wonder. Remember the little seed in the Styrofoam cup: the roots go down and the plant goes up and nobody really knows how or why, but we are all like that.
Goldfish and hamsters and white mice and even the little seed in the Styrofoam cup - they all die. So do we.
And then remember the Dick-and-Jane books and the first word you learned - the biggest word of all - LOOK.

Everything you need to know is in there somewhere. The Golden Rule and love and basic sanitation. Ecology and politics and equality and sane living.

Take any one of those items and extrapolate it into sophisticated adult terms and apply it to your family life or your work or government or your world and it holds true and clear and firm. Think what a better world it would be if we all - the whole world - had cookies and milk at about 3 o'clock in the afternoon and then lay down with our blankies for a nap. Or if all governments had as a basic policy to always put things back where they found them and to clean up their own mess.

And it is still true, no matter how old you are, when you go out in the world, it is best to hold hands and stick together.

Take good care, sweetie. May 1 is an AWESOME date.

asalra6's picture

Gee...I got royally screwed little brother was born ON my birthday and in May!!!!!

PeanutandSons's picture

Oooooh, that's my one fear. That this baby come on her birthday. Having to deal with her attitude and spitefulness every year. God only knows what crazy "lets make SD feel special" accomodations Dh will want to make.

BabyDoll's picture

:jawdrop: You have got to be kidding. (The words that are rolling around in my head are not appropriate to post online.) I am so sorry that you are having to deal with this.

beyond pissed-off's picture

Perhaps you should suggest that, should you new son have the poor judgment to be born on his due date during the Princesses' birth month, you should put the baby up for adoption and then plan another one to come along at a more convenient time for her? }:)

forever2's picture

That is just sad, so sad. If it were me and I were pregnant and the baby's dad said that to me, even as a half joke, I would just cry for what would be my future and that poor unborn child's. That baby will pick up on the fact that daddy loves the first one more. Why don't you announce to daddy that if the baby comes in May, his skid daughter will have to have her birth certificate changed to another month, because obviously, the new baby will be more important and deserves a month all to itself. See how far his jaw drops.

Artemis's picture


Sorry to inform you of this but you are going to have to let your DH know that I was also born on May 1 and I was born first. So unfortunately for him and SD, May is my month.

Anonymous_stepmom's picture

How would he feel if the baby was born during his birth month? Would he be jealous and upset because HIS special time would be over shadowed by the baby's?