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boundaries we have in place?

nunya1983's picture

What are some boundaries that you have in place in your home that are meant to protect you from bm intrusions?

What boundaries do you and/or dh try to not cross to keep out of bm's hair?

1 we do not allow bm in our home, we do not enter bm's home

2 try not to answer the phone when it's bm

3 try to keep all conversations in text form

4 if there are any schedule swapping dh gets the time to be made up with sd first then bm gets time with sd (otherwise he will never get that time back, because bm is a pathological liar and always takes dh's time away if she can)

Things we try to do to stay out of her bad side

1 if we run late let her know (has only happened twice in the 5 years compared to her countless times without her letting dh know)

2 rarely ask for extra time (has only happened twice ib the 5 years, compared to her countless times)

3 no nonsensical phone calls. Bm calls to let us know that sd got a 100 on a spelling test, dh just dropped off sd, she already told him. She had also called to tell us that sd has arm pit hair (this was 2 years ago, 2 years later, she had yet to sprout any arm pit hair... I think it was jacket fuzz in her sweaty arm pit)

4 we don't stalk her Facebook page. Sd has told me that bm made a comment that she saw on dh's page that sd and dds wore too much make up when they dressed up like they were in the 80's and they looked like they were street walkers (I made them over because sd said she wanted to she had fun doing it with her mom before, and I remember doing it with my mom) so I made over all the girls over and did their hair and make up and dh took a picture and put it on his Facebook. the crazy part is dh blocked bm, sd said bm had a friend show her dh's page.

5 we don't bad mouth bm in front of any of the children. I say any of the children because I know that as children they may not be add in control of their emotions and may repeat something one of us say in the heat of an argument. (Whereas bm is always bad mouthing me to sd. Saying things like I'm more closely related to a monkey than normal people, as much as that made me want to cry on the spot, I couldn't allow bm the satisfaction. She tells sd that I made them over to look like street walkers. She tells sd all sorts of horrible things all the time.)

misSTEP's picture

We had to get a HUGE rock solid boundary with BM. The courts put a No Contact order in the CO. She wasn't allowed to call or text unless it was an emergency or a change in visitation schedule.

That did more to help us and our day to day lives than anything else we did.

Now I have developed more boundaries with the aged-out skids. I used to blame BM for her PAS tactics she used to damage the relationships the skids had with DH (and I, of COURSE!!). Now that they are out from under her thumb and STILL can't manage to see anything past what BM tells them, I have no use for them at all. I wished they would go on that trip to Mars. It would be painful for my DH but better one LAST pain than for him to continually think that things are "getting better."

nunya1983's picture

What does your so do when you tell him that you don't like when he does these things? It seems as if he is trying to get into her pants. Anytime a dude is buying some chick's kid toys for random reasons is usually to get in good with them sp that he can get some action. Just saying. also why would it even cross his mind to text his ex when he is in bed with his gf?

nunya1983's picture

Lol you should ask him if he'd buy some random kid off the street presents. Same thing. The kid has nothing to do with him.

Seriously if he could care less about your feelings about the situation, then there are issues. But it took a whole for dh to realize that my feelings matter. He was so worried that not being "besties" with bm or bending to bm's will would damage sd some how that he didn't realize that by not taking care of my feelings we were likely going to break up (which he doesn't want).

He also thought that by keeping bm happy that she wouldn't invade or home life, it would keep her "crazy" calm, and I wouldn't suffer. He didn't realize, I'd rather deal with her "crazy" because she'd find out that we would come together and stand or boundaries and not let her invade or home.