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BM's hubby wont let her see sd!

dispiritedstepmom2011's picture

we have sd13 fulltime, bm get EOW but bf lets her see her whenever she wants to within reason, but of course its never more than the minimum.

sd wanted to go to wildsplash (concert type deal i think) and bm said last week she would take her and pay for the tickets (good thing cause sd has been kinda horrible here). anyways, this weekend isnt bm's weekend.

today bf calls bm to see if she got the tickets for her and sd. bm says she cant take her cause her hubby, his mother, and his brother are giving her shit about spending money and time on OUR bm said nope, sd needs to find another way there and back with another adult.

um, both bf and i were never even considering taking her for many reasons. 1, sd has been crappy. 2.its not our thing, and since sd has been crappy we wouldnt sacrafice what WE like to take her somewhere she likes. the list can go on.

so sd is upset and i feel a lil bit bad for her since she is (was) on a bm kick and looking forward to spending time with bm, ,sharing an interest, and having bm meet some more of her friends....

so dead-beat-mother-of-the-year award goes to BM!

Ommy's picture

and just think if the roles were reversed he would be a piece of shit dad who didnt care but when it is a piece of shit mother its okay. I hate double standards. I would personally make BM tell SD her self why she isnt taking her.

dispiritedstepmom2011's picture

update is she is taking her but asked us to give sd spending money for food drink!!!! bf said no but im sure he will so now i dont feel bad for sd cause she is going and the entitled bitch gets money for doing nothing as fuckin so mad at myself for letting me feel ANY type of feeling for that lil bitch...sorry im in a bad mood now.

Ommy's picture

thats okay I am trying to figure out how to stay at work late because I dont want to go home. FDH has called me twice because they have been shits. I am right there with you I cant stand my SD's and they are 3 and 5.