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BM thinks that I should help with the exchanges, which involves making a 2 hr round trip! HA!

soon2bestepmum's picture

BM lives a total of 2 hrs away. She meets my fiancee at a halfway point to do the exchanges. They each keep SD for half the month. She is supposed to have SD back on the 15th, and since fiancee works and she doesn't he'd have to do it in the evening. That isn't good enough for BM, she wants it done in the afternoon. They settled on Saturday morning, but she made some snide comment that maybe *I* should make the drive sometimes instead of him since I *stay at home all day* (I'm a SAHM, to my BD who is 2 and SD who is 3 and is here technically more than half of the time). Then she wouldn't always have to work around his schedule. The funny thing is, she also stays at home... and SD is her only child, so I'm not sure what she does with herself when SD isn't around which is the majority of the time. It should be plenty easy for her to work around fiancee's schedule, she just want to... so I should step in? Lemme think about that... NO WAY!

How many of you would do this? I certainly won't. My 2 year old gets car sick and has thrown up almost every time we've made the drive as a family. There's no way I'd do the exchange, or hire a babysitter just so that I could make the drive for her... is she crazy!? Maybe if she lived in the neighborhood but not an hour away. No thank you.

Milomom's picture

no way, soon2be, no way. stick to your guns. you know what amazes me? usually the SM's here on ST are always talking about how the BM's don't want the SM's to have ANY part in their kids' lives, they don't want them to have ANY rights involving their kids, because THEY are NOT THEIR KIDS MOTHER, right? But then the BM's ALSO want the SM's to have responsibilies that alleviate them from the work THEY are supposed to be doing as parents. Makes absolutely NO SENSE whatsoever, yet it happens like this over and over and over again. BM thinks YOU should help with the exchanges? OK, but I bet she also thinks you should have NO SAY in how the skids are raised or disciplined, right? Hmmmm...can you say HYPOCRITE?? Good luck soon2be!

soon2bestepmum's picture

We have a very weird dynamic with BM. SD does spend most of her time here and I haven't gotten any of the "I am her mother" from her. I'm sure she's made comments to fiancee about that, though. And she has said things that are along those lines, from time to time. She just believes that everyone should cater to her and work around HER schedule. And that I must not have anything better to do, so why don't I just make the 2 hr drive so that she can have SD in the afternoon instead of the evening. Biggrin

And I loved how she said, "I'm glad that I have a partner who is willing to help out with the errands and whatever else I need. Too bad *fiancee* doesn't have that, and we all have to deal with it." Ummm, her boyfriend has never shown up to the drop off alone... he does show up, but only because he's driving BM's car because she doesn't like to drive. They go together. I don't feel the need to ride along with fiancee. Too bad lady, I'm not your partner and I don't have to help you out!

sadstepmom26's picture

DONT DO IT!! I got suckered into this same type of thing. SDs lived 70 miles each way. It started as sh couldnt get off work to get down there to get them on Fridays. So I would go get them friday and we'd take them back sundays. This went on for about 4 years. When I think back I realize how stupid I was to do it. If he really wanted them then he coulda made a way to get them which didnt mean me driving 140 miles in one day in traffic the whole way there.

StepChicka's picture

Not in a million years with that attitude she has.

If you want your daughter earlier then YOU or BF can drive the whole way here lady!

What a brat!

Angel72's picture

Ummm..NOOOO! Its not about caring for the child. I dont go for the 3 1/2 drive with my dh. Why? Not my responsibility and you have 2 kids you have ot take care of!.
As a person, WE have nothing to prove to Bm. Why should we physically have to get involved. If we dont want to , its our perogative. And the only reason this bm is asking is for her benefit. SH'es also a sahm. Which means she has more than enough leeway to meet her dh but she wants to meet at HER terms, and pull the strings. another power thing.
oh no! This is her clearly trying to use someone. Just like she uses her bf. you said it, she doesn't like to drive.