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BM is a legend in her own mind.

aka's picture

Get this-- DH and BM are trying to update the parenting plan and CS because we are moving out of state for DH work. This is part of her propoal that she submitted via her lawyer. They are supposed to work this out in mediation in a couple of weeks.. Can you believe this:
Decision-Making Authority: Both parents shall be involved with all decisions regarding the children. However, if the parties are unable to come to an agreement regarding such decisions, Mother shall have the final say.

So in other words- Father shall bow and kiss Mothers feet.

bellacita's picture

i thought it was if both parties cant agree it goes to arbitration or mediation?? if not, then BM can always not agree w DH and end up doing whtaever the hell she wants anyway.

if she pushes for this, say fine but then DH is not responsible for any costs incurred...for example, if BM signs the kid up for piano and DH says no bc kid is already in 3 activities, then BM is fully responsible for the cost and getting the kid to said activity.

"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin

aka's picture

The orginal decree said if they can't agree they would have to seek mediation, which she refused to do. What I can't believe is that her lawyer actually allowed that line in the proposal. I would think the judge would flip out over that. This just shows how most of the BMs on here think they rule the show and Fathers can't do anything right. That was a disgrace

bellacita's picture

if it says mediation and she wont go shes in contempt
also, mediation is the next step for alot of these disputes b4 court or anything else

"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin

aka's picture

I don't understand, this is like the courts are saying just pay CS but you have zero rights for your children. The mother can make all decisions.. this just isn't right

justbdais's picture

When my DH divorced his ex they did it online, so he printed exactly what he wanted and ex either agreed or not, he went through a few drafts before she finally signed and only because he threatened to take it to court and get everything if she didn't. For the most part he made some smart moves, he only made one mistake which was because he was trying to be civil. They have 50/50 custody, she is suppose to pay child support, he got the house, his vehicles and all issues regarding SS are to be agreed upon by both parents, however in case of 2 different opinions DH gets final decision. I love that because BM will always asked SS what he wants to do regarding EVERYTHING, like SS you want to see the dentist, of course SS says NO, so she doesn't take him. The only thing I wished he pushed was for more custody, I think he assumed she wouldn't try to intimidate him and keep SS away from him like she does with her daughter and her daughters father. But fortunately for us we are finally in a place where we can tell her to kiss off and really assert our authority with her.

AngelCakes's picture

my bf had the same agreement, if she wanted to enroll him in sports or buy a gift basically he had no choice to do what she wanted... I think that the only thing that he would support is wanting her to jump off a cliff