BM filed for child support modification
Just need to vent!
A couple weeks ago, SO's lawyer finally got all his illegal back pay taken off his account so his payments to BM were lowered by $250/m. BM called domestic relations and claimed that SO failed to report an increase in income, trying to get him in there for a modification since she's lost so much money now. After following up with SO's employer, the caseworker found that he didn't fail to report a raise, so told BM this. BM went and filed for modification anyway. She, however, has been withholding her address and phone number from SO, as well as not reporting a $3/hr raise to domestic relations. What does she think she is going to accomplish here? SO's lawyer is filing today to have the modification thrown out and to see if they can file contempt charges against BM. This woman is nuts. She brags all the time about how "independent" she is and she "doesn't rely on anyone" but here she is throwing herself under the bus because she's not getting "enough" money from SO after over a year of getting too much from him (illegally)! So frustrating!
No, you're right; I'd be all
No, you're right; I'd be all for going through with the modification except that he's trying to file for joint custody but cannot while the child support case is pending.
All the more reason to
All the more reason to proceed with the modification and not delay the process.