Bio mother DID return kids: but with a nasty message
So if you'd been reading my posts, bio mother and my husband had a message war on their online discussion board they use for communication. Bio mother decided she was not going to log in to read his messages asking for clarification about communication and the issues they were having with transportation and the loophole bio mother found in the court order. He and I had talked about him filing her in contempt of court for not reading her messages and not responding to communication in a timely manner(which IS worded very specifically in the court order).
Apparently the kids overheard us talking about this, (even though we were in our room with the door shut-they must have been eavesdropping outside). But all in the sudden, Monday morning at 7:30am, bio mother logged on to the website, read the past message AND SENT A LONG ASS RIPPING INTO MY HUSBAND MESSAGE. It went on and on about how he should be the one to come get the kids, how dare he contact his lawyer and how dare he file her in contempt of court and how dare he even think about taking her back to court to change the parenting schedule, how dare he threaten her, and she is going to follow the court order to the letter, and if he is too much of a dead beat dad to come get the kids then SHE will be bringing the kids to our home in this morning because SHE ALWAYS puts the kids first and ALWAYS makes exceptions to do what is best for the kids.
(So, we came to the conclusion that the kids got up in the morning and started getting ready to go, mentioned to their mom that SHE was supposed to take them back and when she said she wouldn't, one of them who overheard us talking in our bedroom conveyed the threat to her that she is in contempt of court for not logging into the site and reading their dad's messages.)
The kids are preteen and teenagers so they are old enough to know what's going on-and old enough to know how to be sneaky apparently too, so my husband and I are going to have to watch ourselves when we talk! Even in our bedroom with closed doors!
But at least she brought the kids back like she was supposed to
My husband responded something like "So can I assume this transportation issue is resolved and we agree to follow the pattern of transportation we had been using?"
I'm not going to hold my breath for her response,...
Also, I forgot to add: My
Also, I forgot to add:

My husband said his lawyer looked over his court order and said proving contempt of court is extremely hard. She can use ANY EXCUSE SHE WANTS TO as to why she has not opened messages from MONTHS AGO. The burden of proving that she was capable and willfully ignored her duty to log on and open the messages is on him.
The lawyer said it is rare that contempt of court for breaking the court order is actually proven. It's long, drawn out, and with a high conflict ex-it is usually more work than it is beneficial. It is better to wait for the high conflict person to MESS UP HUGE, glaringly, unmistakably, then take the high conflict person to court.
The lawyer said a high conflict person will show their true colors soon enough, threatening with contempt of court should be good enough for now.
I guess it worked this time, but it means more crazy is to come before we can get something worth while to go to court for....
she doesn't know what your
she doesn't know what your lawyer said and hopefully she won't find out that its hard to file contempt of court charges and will just behave herself because she thinks its a possiblity
Holding the stick of contempt
Holding the stick of contempt over the opposition is a very effective tool IMHO. For the usual toothless drooling dipshits in the opposition the threat is often more than enough to gain compliance though the gnashing of teeth and rattling of their sabers is often loud and quite entertaining.
We never actually filed a contempt motion but getting the threatening letter on our killer attorney's letter head use to scare the shit out of them and result in nearly verbatim outbursts to what your BM just did. Rants, rage, etc... but compliance. Which is what we were after all along.
Another tool to smack the idiot opposition with is clarifications of the CO from the court. When BM plays her manipulative bullshit just ask the court for a clarification on that element of the CO.
We did have to go back to the judge for clarification several times due to their manipulation and selective interpretation. If she is failing to comply I suggest that you try filing for a clarification with the court.
Our first clarification request was when the toothless sperm clan decided that they got the Skid the day before the visitation started and returned him the day after the COd visitation ended we requested clarification from the court. The CO was clear. They were just playing stupid and being stubborn. The Judge gave an even clearer picture for the drooling idiots in the Sperm Clan. Travel was on the Sperm Idiot's time and he had to return the kid at or before the time the kid was released for travel to Sperm Land for visitation. Of course they got all offended and pissed off that we had the CO clarified and reissued by the court tightening the noose around their idiot necks. After their usual rant about being offended and mad they went into crying ‘We are just trying to do the right thing and SHE (my DW) is so evil and unreasonable waaaaahhhh!’. Ha! }:) We just had fun with their usual whiney victim bullshit.
Keep tightening the noose. And have fun!!! }:)