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BD undermining SD's BM

gazzabicks's picture

My wife's 14 year old daughter went to live with her dad at Xmas.

Since then she has dyed her naturally blond hair dark and turned up outside the house this morning with a pierced belly button !

On at least the last occasion we feel that the BD should have checked with her mum to see if at 14 she should have that done or not.

We both think it is too young..

Is the BM being undermined and should she be having her belly button pierced at 14 ?

MarriedwithChild's picture

One comment here;

As far as I remember, if someone is under age 18, they need a parent to sign for them to get these things done?

In my state you are required by law.

gazzabicks's picture

Yes but it only needs the dad to consent right ?

My question is whether the dad is undermining the mum and whether 14 is too young to have your belly button pierced ?

MarriedwithChild's picture

I have an 18 year old BS of my own. At 18, he went on his own (ugh) and had a tattoo and lip piercing done.

I would not consent. His BF died over two years ago so no go there.

It is a personal preference. I come from a Russian- Jewish family.

I think the mom should've been asked first if he gave consent, yes...

As far as the age, I live in the sunshine state and that is not uncommon at all here.