Angry, bitter, lost the joy, unhappiness and optimism
One common thread with a lot of the people coming here (obviously myself included) is that many of us are bitter, angry and have really lost our daily everyday quality of life because of these ridiculous co-parenting situations that are clearly not working for the kids nor US.
We are all caught in the middle of other people's bad coparenting team. Whether it is one co-parent more than the other doesn't really matter. We are still in the middle.
I have two children of my own. I protect them as much as I can, but again, THEY are still in the middle of all this. My two step children - both - yes - caught in the middle.
I had a counselor recently tell me that our blended family situation was one of the worst he has seen in his whole counseling career. What I see is that the blended families are not the problem - it is the co-parents that are the problem. The BM has refused to accept her xhusband from having his own life. It was ok for her to say to DH "hey - I fell in love with my B.F.s hubby and now I am going to make my new family. That was fine. But she didnt' expect DH to meet me and that I would have 2 children and so it's has become a MISSION for her to affect our lives.
Sadly - it has. So I have to now dig myself up from the targeting and negativity and walk away from the bitterness and anger at how my kids and I have been treated moving into a new community and starting a new life - leaving friends behind and families we grew up with. Walk away from the anger that BM successfully Alientated, poisoned and maniuplated my SS and he is gone now. She has chipped one of OUR family members off and is celebrating this. It is like winning a prize for her in her sick twisted emotionally disturbed mind. I (we) can only walk forward. Try to survive. My kids luckily make friends easily but I realize now that for the first time in my life - MY LOVE OF LIFE and JOY and GOALS are gone. I am drained. I am lost.
So how do we climb back up? Is it possible to move beyond the anger and bitterness. That is where I am at and I am working on fixing that. Getting my old self back. For the first time in my life - I am actually more unhappy than I even was in my first marriage not because of my husband now, but, because of the enemies around me. Enemies that I didn't seek. Enemies I never had but for some reason earned by just moving here.
I need more support here and I don't have it. I don't talk about my situation to people but I think many know I am a little sad and that doesn't attract people to me. People were attracted to the old me that was passionate, happy and motivated about life. That is not me anymore. Physically since I moved in with my husband I have suffered as well. Auto immune disease that as things get more stressful the disease flairs up.
There is zero benefit to moving out. My first marriage was almost 2 decades and this is my second marriage and I love my husband and for loving him have been attacked over and over and over by BM. She is a dark person and very destructive and has way too much influence in our home by using her kids. Now that SS is gone I hope things calm.
Thanks for listening. Any ideas or thoughts on how to get out of a ditch?
This is where I am. I have
This is where I am. I have given it my all and it had caused me nothing but negative. There has been no value added to my life. I don't have to do anything but get DH to leave. The only thing at this point that stops me is the fact that he would be homeless but I'm close to not caring about that either.
tough situation and I hope
tough situation and I hope the best for you. tough!!!!
That is me too- angry,
That is me too- angry, bitter, and resentful.
I get it - so sorry
Hi, And Nashville thanks for
And Nashville thanks for sharing. We do love each other and I look back and see all the great things I have done and how each and every has been met with a negative response. I know I can't give up! I won't! My two kids are doing well. To change things up would harm them and my SD as well and they deserve better. We all do.
Yes. Sounds like similar situations. I can't tell you EVERY happy thing I have done for our family she has STOMPED ON. I don't know why SS doesn't see that. Fkd up kid. Even something as nice as having a pool put in he made fun of and repeated what she said - funny - as we know it came from her becuz she told HER step children and they brought home to their BM the same LINE word for WORD!! This has been a pattern. Makes me sick.
I only have karma to hold onto at this point.
Hi, kids are 13 and 16 and
Hi, kids are 13 and 16 and yes, one has left. I agree with everything you have said and it is becuz of the FEAR of losing them that DH let this go on for far too long. It caused a lot of stress for me in particular.
PAS'd children/teens are often a no win. Bye!
Dog on bone - yes so true!!!!!
Thank you. I am working on taking back my power but I think it will be focused on my own two kids and building an extended support system around me. I am still fairly new to my area and need more to keep me standing up straight.
DH failed at exercising a lot of his parental authority. Now he pays for it cuz SS is moved out. His issue and lesson in life.
Right now BM isn't demanding
Right now BM isn't demanding anything. It took us over 2 years to draw boundaries. She kept at us unrelentlessly. It was unbelievable. The things she did no one will ever believe and we can never prove. One day she showed up on our time and just drove around our corner and we live on a dead end street. SS was outside playing ball with BD (DH) and as soon as he saw her coming he threw the ball down and acted up. He HAD to show her he didn't like us. This is just ONE tiny example of what this monster did. She is a monster.
Thank you for your sharing what the counselor said Bea...>OMG....yup. And BM even quoted one day that "I don't know why but SS has a target on your back for you.....smirk smirk". I hope this B gets it good someday and I see justice from a higher power.
Thank you.
This is just another example
This is just another example of the YE OLDE Double Standard. It's ok for the BM to move on but GOD HELP the biodad if he has the NERVE to move on!!
Google: golden uterus syndrome
VERY common. Yep hard not to become bitter and nasty, worse case scenario--UBER cynical, best case scenario.
Your relationship DEPENDS upon the ability of biodad to stand up to the BM and not fear the repercussions. If he can't and won't then it's a lost cause.
Gold Uterus Syndrome - Love
Gold Uterus Syndrome - Love it!
Winner winner chicken dinner - that is what the BM wants - to feel like her behavior & decisions are justified by showing that her family is so beautiful now without DH in it and she just plain old stinks.
Yeah - she doesn't like it so much that I came into the picture and I have been her target since then.