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ItAlmostWorked's picture

Please share what the rest of the abbreviations mean besides the ones already listed in the FAQs section. For ex, what does OP stand for?

midnyt's picture

I think OP stands for Original Poster??

any other specific ones that you have come across?

OhMeOhMy's picture

There is one that starts with a G that isnt explained in the FAQ that I cant figure out...of course i cant remember it right now. lol

imjustthemaid's picture

Its funny because sometimes people will make up their own abbreviations for things. After I read some of the post I usually figure out who they are talking about. Sometimes I am just confused. Someone used DIL the other day. Stupid me is scratching my head so confused thinking dick in law and all these stupid things. Daughter in law never came to mind once!!