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What's your love story?

zerostepdrama's picture

Let's share our love stories. How we met and then fell in love with our SO.


zerostepdrama's picture

DH and I had mutual friends. (my neighbors). I had met him a couple of times and thought he was funny. Didnt think too much about it because I was with Ex (BS's dad) and he was with his Ex-Fiance.

When we were both single, our mutual friend was having a birthday party. DH asked about me and asked mutual friend for my number.

I was a little shocked as DH always dated older women, I didnt really think I was his type. Plus it had been awhile since I had seen him, so I wasnt sure if he was my type either.

We texted a little bit and I felt kind of awkward about it, knowing I was going to see him at the birthday party. I didnt want to be "tied" to him, since we had been texting the week prior to the party.

Day of the party, I am walking to neighbors and I see him outside and I was so shy and nervous. Get to party. Have a few drinks. Unwind. We all go to a bar.(DH pulls this rose out from his car and hands it to me when we were on the way to the bar. He had stopped and got me a rose! so sweet!) At the bar. Shots. Dancing. We are having fun. We go back to my place together. Stay up till 5am.

Then after that we were together almost every single day Smile

2 weeks after the party, we went to this beatiful park and there was a brochure for all the parks in our metro area and we decided we were going to go to all the parks that summer. Then he said something really funny and my heart just melted. It was then that I knew we would be together Smile

DaizyDuke's picture

DH was a blind date.. that I almost backed out of. I had always said I would never date a Dr., a Lawyer or a Cop. Just seems like the majority of men that I have run across in those professions are full of themselves and I'm just not into that. So my BFF calls one day and tells me that she has the PERFECT guy for me and she wants to set us up on a date. So she's ticking off all the things she knows about him... BUT conveniently left out what he does for a living. So I asked her and she said "Oh, he's a cop" I said, "Nope, not doing it! You know how I feel about that!!" But she badgered me into it.

Funny thing is, we were sitting at the table at the bar/restaurant that night and a guy that I knew through work saw me and came over to the table to say hi. So he sits down next to me, sees DH across the table and says "Oh HI! DH!" I'm like huh? you two know each other? turns out it was DH's Uncle!

We also realized after a couple of dates that we actually lived about 3 miles away from each other growing up. We went to the same high school, even had some mutual friends, but we never knew each other. DH has always said he wishes he could have just met me in HS and saved himself all this BM/skid bullshit. But alas... here we are!

mommy0104's picture

12 years ago, I was training to become the assistant manager at a convenient store (gas station lol) and DH did (still does) deliver for Coca-Cola. Usually, I worked nights but due to my training, I was doing a 2 week morning shift. (DH delivered in the morning). I had dealt with him before while we were both working, but he was in and out so quickly I'd never had the nerve to say anything to him..and I believe at that time he was still married to BM. Anyways, I was also working with the store supervisor who was not afraid to say anything lol..I knew that she was familiar with all the delivery people at that store so I leaned in and asked if she knew if the "Coca Cola Guy" was married (i didn't know his name so to me he was just the coke guy lol) and I figured she'd give me a yes or no answer. Instead, she yells out across the store "Hey, XYZ are you married?" LOL..i was so embarrassed. Luckily, DH knew that she wasn't asking for herself and figured it was me wanting to after a few minutes of chit-chat, I got his number..12 years, one kid (we have 4 but only biologically share one) and a lot of ups and downs later, we're still together Smile He gets on my last nerve but I do love that jackass Biggrin

classyNJ's picture

27 years ago I went to a pit party with some friends as the DD. I was sitting on the tailgate of my truck when DH just sat down. No hi or anything. Just sat down. I started to yell at him to get off. Instead of being like every other spineless guy I met in their 20's - he yelled back! This went on for about 1 1/2. He finally got up - said you are beautiful when your pissed and not getting your way. LOL. We became close friends (I was married - yes wayyy to young) and talked to him every day for about 3 years. Life takes you in different directions, I moved to AK and traveled the country for 15 years. We lost touch. Finally moved back to my home state and was invited to a fund raiser. I was sitting at a table alone when he walked in. We have been inseperable ever since!!! <3

SheScreamsinSil's picture

LOL! Do folks from other states know what a "pit party" is? I saw your title and thought, "This girl MUST be from NJ", and then I see your username!! NJ here too.

Sweet story!!

DaizyDuke's picture

I'm from NY and have no idea what a pit party is... in fact the first time I read it, I read it as "pity party" LMAO!

SheScreamsinSil's picture

Ahahaha!! No, everyone meets at the pit (gravel pit) at night and you drink and hang. Fire and whatnot. There were places in the woods where you turned off the paved road near a certain mile marker and headed towards the river, so that might be a party out at "3".

I remember a friend one night telling the tale of how he met his now wife at a pit party. She was the younger sister of his friend, who tagged along. Huh...who knew pit parties were causing so many actual relationships (instead of just hangovers!)

Aniki-Moderator's picture

My DH was a year ahead of me in high school. I used to hang out with a friend of his younger brother, but we never spoke. 20 years ago, I was working parttime for that friend's dad. DH got out of the Marine Corps and started working there parttime, too. The chemistry between us was crazy-good. I was legally separated from my thenH so we started dating. I was SO in love with him, but I STUPIDLY caved to parental pressure to try and make things work with my thenH so we broke up.

5 years ago, I was on FB and DH showed up under my "Suggested Friends" list, so I sent him a friend request. He immediately accepted. DH was now Divorced (he hooked up with BioMonster not long after we split). My profile showed I was In a Relationship, although I was not. (At that time, I was so sick of married men hitting on me, that I complained to a friend and SHE said we were In a Relationship. I accepted and the marrieds backed off.)

Anyhoo, DH and I messaged and made plans to have drinks, but it never happened. One event, I missed him by 20 minutes. Our mutual friend said "oh he just left with whatsherface" so I thought he had a girlfriend. I invited him to my sister's and my Halloween party and he accepted the invite. Even though I thought he had a girlfriend (turns out she was a friend and coworker), I was SO excited because I'd never gotten over him. He comes to the party alone. I'm there alone. Neither one of us had girlfriends, LOL! I was the world's WORST co-hostess. The only time we were apart at that party was when one of us went to the bathroom. I went home with him after the party (yeah, bad girl). He told me he'd always thought about me, but couldn't remember where my house was - remembered the street, but didn't see the truck I used to drive - and that he'd often thought about parking at the end of the street and looking at cars in hopes of spotting me in a car. 6 days later we were already saying I Love You. We exchanged vows a few months later in April. He is my soul mate.

a_nessy_life's picture

Five years after divorcing EXH I was licensed and proud of earning my Bachelors. I was in a job that you moved around on assignment and normally stayed in an area for 6-12 months. There were perks of company rentals or you found your own rental. I preferred gated communities.

In 2005 DH asked his EX for a divorce. They went to therapy and what not for a year then in 06 he moved in to an apartment. Summer of 06 I moved my DDs, myself and my cream Lab Sonny to my new assignment and we had to stay in a hotel next to DH apartment building for a month while I figured out a place to rent. I am a person of routine. I do the same things at the same times almost every day. I walked Sonny down a hilly busy road at the same time each evening. We walked for miles! He was my guy. DH apartment backed to the busy road. He saw us passing each evening.

The city only had one mall and frequently he took his DD to the mall. DH noticed me and my DDs at the mall often. He says that he saw me about town quite a bit. A month later I disappeared from the evening walks. I'd moved into a choice gated community and life was going along. I walked Sonny each evening around the gated community as well as outside the gates. The community had about 150 houses. BM and DH was one of them.... Just 1/4 mile away from the rental. On a trip to pick up Skids, he saw me and Sonny walking. DH and BM had a black lab that she kept. DH could watching the house and dog whenever she was out of town. She went out of town about 2 months of my living there. I walked Sonny as usual and as I passed BM house, DH was playing with the lab outside. He called out, introduced himself and I fell into the sexiest eyes I'd ever seen. We started dating and about 3 months in he takes me out to dinner with his kids and my kids. As soon as DDs and I sat down, SD eyes were bugging out of her head and she exclaimed "this is the woman you've been following for months!"

At the very beginning of our dating he admitted that he was separated and BM lived in the house. I met her at an HOA meeting and my first thought was what did he ever see in her.

DH had dated another much younger woman before he met/saw me. BM knew about her and even though he began dating her after he moved out, BM insisted that DH was a cheater....... She was dating a guy 20 years younger than her at the same time..... When I met her at the HOA meeting she didn't know that he had stopped dating the younger girl and we had gone out a few times, so I enjoyed watching BM tell all of her neighbors how she was screwing him over and how stupid he was. It's a moment that I hold dear in my heart. I smiled along with those self absorbed housewives and didn't utter a peep. When she found out through SD that DH was now dating me, that woman was beside herself furious. She moved the young stud in to their marital home. Their divorce was final about 2 months later.
We now live 2000 Miles away and even though DH had lived in that community for over 5 years, he's never contacted any of his old neighbors. I was always a loner, so I didn't have any connection.

Tuff Noogies's picture

we met in a driveway. mutual aquaintances invited us to a barbecue, hell they invited everyone- there were probably 80 people there. we connected- love at first sight.

two weeks later, he moved in. we've not spent a night apart since in almost 7 years.

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

Well, here's the Cliff Notes version: DH and I met through a mutual friend who had tried to get us together for months. We finally had a mutually reluctant date at a local coffee shop and the rest is history!

misSTEP's picture

I got nagged into meeting this guy by my BFF's BF at the time. I decided on my way to let my inner bitch out big time. So, I am sitting at a huge table with a bunch of people I don't know. The guy to the right of me introduces himself and asks if I'd like a drink. I said I would. He asked if I wanted to play pool. I said darts was my game. I kicked his ass at it, being a real bitch the entire time. I didn't want to be in a relationship again!

But this guy cannot take a hint that I will drink the drinks he is buying for me but I am not going to be nice in return. I started to get sick of myself as I am normally pretty nice to people.

Finally, the guy to the LEFT of me started saying things to me and bought me a drink. He made me laugh my ass off the rest of the night. We ended up clicking and the rest is history. We got married about two years later.

Turns out both guys had the same name and my DH was the one I was supposed to meet. I was a total bitch to some random guy just because he had the same name!!! Poor dude.

HungryEyes's picture

I met DH on POF too. He was the only guy I had ever talked to on there but he was handsome and wearing a tshirt of the college I attended. We hit it off and text for 2 weeks before meeting at an adult arcade (Think Dave and Busters) and had a great first date. He was really shy so I talked a lot. We are both competitive so we played air hockey and ski ball and had fun. Then he kissed me before we left which people that know how shy my husband is cant' believe he went for it. DH to this day says he can't believe he went for the kiss on the first date- so out of character for him. But after that, the chemistry was undeniable. We met for coffee the next day.

After a few weeks, we were spending every waking moment together. When I didn't have my kids, every other week, I would sleep at his place, wake up at 6:30am leave for work. He would wake up at 11 and come meet me for lunch. Then he would go to work at 4PM. I would come back from work at 5PM and he would get off work at 11pm and we'd stay up until 2-3am talking and having fun. We still can't believe how little sleep we had that first year, but we couldn't get enough of each other.

Honestly, we still can't. People stop us all the time, strangers, and tell us how happy we look together. He's my best friend in the world. He's so romantic and funny, and sweet, and so so so sexy. I can't believe he's mine.

Also - it helps that BM couldn't handle it and moved out of state after the first 2 years. Life has been beautiful ever since.

DarkStar's picture

St Patrick's Day 2010

After the parade, my girlfriends and I started making our rounds to all of the bars and tent parties. At one particular tent we ran into a woman that we all used to work with. She was with a friend who turned out to be my SO. They were just friends from high school (she was married). I thought he was cute, he said he liked my St Patricks Day tshirt. We were supposed to meet up at another bar later, but he never showed up. Turns out, he showed up about an hour after we left!

I didn't want to ask my previous work acquaintance for his contact info so I thought that was the end of that.

SO did a little Facebook stalking, found me, messaged me, and so began our history together!

If we ever get married, we decided to get married on St Patrick's Day, then we'll never forget our anniversary!