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Read with Caution**** Seriously

zerostepdrama's picture

Very sad news story... don't read if you don't want to be upset... but just a reminder as a step parent if you are feeling resentful please seek help. I like to think that no one here would be like this SM but you never know.

So sad and prayers for this boy.


zerostepdrama's picture

Agree... I could not sit there as a parent and ignore my kid crying and probably crying in agony. Sad

WalkOnBy's picture

Right? I wonder what the truth is here? I mean, the kid HAD to be screaming in pain, right?

Oh my Dog - this is so sad.....

zerostepdrama's picture

It is so sad... I feel bad for sharing it because I feel so awful reading it...

I just hope it brings awareness. Even if the dad has some fault here. As the article stated and for what it's worth it sounds like resentment of having to take care of a kid she did not want to take care of caused her to do this. And we hear that here every day. Very sad.

WalkOnBy's picture

don't you dare feel bad for sharing raises awareness and makes us all do a double check on our own behavior.

I am glad we have this place to vent about skid shit. Perhaps it has saved someone??

furkidsforme's picture

I call bullshit. As a medic, I've treated burn patients. That child would not have been crying... it would have been SHRIEKING.

Daddy-O doesn't get a pass that he "heard the child crying and was told not to check on it". Bullshit. No parent could hear their child shriek in agony and not go check. Not unless they were an abuser as well.

DaizyDuke's picture

This is just awful. She is a sick, sick human being. But WTF is with the father?????? Why is the stepmother having to give the kid a bath? Obviously the father did not see the kid before he went to bed or even after he went to bed and the fact that he couldn't be bothered to get up during the night when the kid was crying??? I don't care if the bitch told him "not to" or not... that's a lame ass excuse. I'm sorry, but I think the father needs to be charged with something here as well.

These fucking idiots need to STOP BREEDING!

Cooooookies's picture

I literally would've killed anyone that tried to stop me. After taking my child in to be treated, I'd kill the person that did it to them. He111111111111111 to the no. If the dad didn't check on his clearly SCREAMING child then he is just as guilty. How sickening!

momofbioandstep's picture

Yea there is definitely missing pieces to this story. I don't live too far from where this happened. When news first broke the news was reporting that Dad said his son got into a hot bath WITH his wife. Then shortly after he got out and said he wanted to go lay down. They just thought he had fallen asleep so they didn't check on him til morning. Here is the link to the news story near my area not long after it happened.