Poll: What would your luxuries be?
If you were granted 3 lifetime luxuries, what would they be and why?
**And obviously everyone is going to have different ideas of what is a luxury***
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If you were granted 3 lifetime luxuries, what would they be and why?
**And obviously everyone is going to have different ideas of what is a luxury***
Mine would be: 1.) Personal
Mine would be:
1.) Personal chef- Meal prepping and cooking stresses me out. I like to do it when I have time, but when I don't, it just stresses me out.
2.) Vacation home somewhere warm. Then I know I will always have a place to go to in the winter
3.) Personal trainer with a massage therapy liscence. Someone to keep me in shape and encourage me but also keeps me relaxed with a nice massage
1) The ability to snap my
1) The ability to snap my fingers and instantly render any teenager within 50 yards utterly silent. (this is my favorite fantasy/luxury)
2) I want a tiny cottage, out in the middle of the woods where noone can find me/ pester me. (and if it could snow, once a year... just for the fun of sledding and getting some pretty pics, then immediately melt before I have to shovel that would be absolutely perfect!)
3) I want a self cleaning bathroom. One whose shower, toilet, sink and floors ALL clean themselves. And the toilet paper automatically refills itself!!
Can we vacation house swap?
Can we vacation house swap? You can have my house in the sun for a week and I'll take your cottage for a week
1. Hair removal. I never want
1. Hair removal. I never want to shave or wax again.
2. A massive piece of land and all the horses I want.
3. A personal chef, to cook me healthy food and listen to DH bitch if he doesn't like what's served
1. Chauffeur 2. Maid 3.
1. Chauffeur
2. Maid
3. Dog poop picker upper
Yearly vacations with
Yearly vacations with extended family. A few of us are tossing around the idea of doing vacations each summer instead of the same old family reunions. One of my aunts has heart set on a family trip to South Africa. I want to do family trips to Egypt, West Africa (door of no return) and a Mediterranean cruise.
If I ever win the lottery, I plan to set up a vacation account for all of us to travel together once a year.
This is a wish of mine too!
This is a wish of mine too! My family is in the middle of a big family fued right now.... but... if not I would love for us all to be able to go on a cruise once a year together.
If we ever do this, we will
If we ever do this, we will go with Carnival. I love Disney, but their cruise line prices are just crazy. I don't mind splurging on port tours, but I have no problem cutting corners on the cruise itself.
I have the Carnival Breeze booked for a Southern Caribbean cruise this August.
1. Make BM and SS's disappear
1. Make BM and SS's disappear forever
2. That wish 1 would come true
3. .... I honestly can't think of anything other than wish 1 coming true...
1. I would love to have a
1. I would love to have a beach house somewhere and a job (or no job) that would allow me to jet off there whenever I was in need of some "Vitamin Sea"
2. My own lazy river that runs around my property (you know like at the theme parks where you just float around on the innertubes)
3. I would love to have someone that would do my hair/makeup/nails EVERY DAY
... and of course all of these luxuries do NOT include skids being involved in any way shape or form!
I want to come over to your
I want to come over to your lazy river! LOL
I wouldnt mind your #3! That way I would always look fab and with little effort from myself
So simple!
So simple!
#1 - Enough money to never
#1 - Enough money to never have to worry about money again.
#2 - A summer home on the beach someplace where it's warm 365 days a year.
#3 - A personal chef to cook healthy meals for me and my family.
1) Sleep. Precious sleep. A
1) Sleep. Precious sleep. A full uninterupted 8 hours of sleep every day. Oh that would be nice! I miss REM.
2) A chauffeur to do all my driving for me. I could sit in the back seat and read, play with my smart phone....Or sleep! (Hey! Two in one!)
3) Wine and Beer fridge never runs out. These magic alcohol fairies keep the bar fully stocked with our favorite brands!
Look I love my little ones.
Look I love my little ones. But when BD wakes me up at 5:30am on a weekend to watch "Frozen" for the 865675987698th time, I can't help but feel I am in a hostage situation.
(see my tag line)
Frozen is
Frozen is amazing.....once.
Watching Frozen a gagilion times however....
This is what we do sometimes
This is what we do sometimes too when BS is at his dad's for the weekend. It's AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I do that...I tell DH that I
I do that...I tell DH that I need a LAZY Saturday at least once a month. A day where I don't have to get out of my sleep clothes (or stay naked all day
) if I choose with no plans to do anything except to be lazy all day.
This includes no cooking or cleaning either!
1) A cook who did the
1) A cook who did the shopping and cooking every day.
2) A therapeutic masseuse at my beck and call (home & work)
3) I'm torn between either a chauffeur or free vacations whenever I wanted.
1. A chef-I stink at cooking
1. A chef-I stink at cooking anything other than spaghetti, chicken and pizza
2. A log cabin in the woods with a huge pool in a warm climate. (NO SKIDS ALLOWED)
3. A backbone..to me this is a luxury, lol
I wonder if they will return
I wonder if they will return their wedding gifts??? }:)
What a joke. Talk about a waste of money and time.
1. A huge house that is paid
1. A huge house that is paid for in a great school district
2. A beach house someplace warm
3. A maid to clean above houses and clean up after everyone (why am I the only person in my house who knows how to put stuff back where they found it???)
1- cosmetic treatments (not
1- cosmetic treatments (not too invasive, but enough to "erase" my first wrinkles);
2- a house with a nice garden and a lake/pool.
3- enough money never to worry again about having a roof over my head, a proper meal to eat or a health issue I can't afford to take care of.
1. Wealth 2. Maid 3. BM to
1. Wealth
2. Maid
3. BM to fall off the face of the earth AFTER the youngest skid turns 18 and that the skids settle far enough away that we only see them once or twice a year.