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Nice car babe....

zerostepdrama's picture

OSD tagged DH (and others) in FB a picture of her new vehicle.

BM's boyfriend who she has been with for maybe 2 1/2 years (so when OSD was 19).

Anyways he comments "Nice car babe"

Ewwww that is just so weird. Who calls their GF's daughter "babe"?

On a side note, the new vehicle is really nice. Which is good for her.


Flying.Purple.Step.Monster's picture

Eh, I don't see anything wrong with it. I have a 68 year old male friend who calls his wife Babes. It's very affectionate too..

zerostepdrama's picture

The comment just stood out to me. As it would if it was anybody else that the comment was said to in the same situation.

moeilijk's picture

Really? Your parents were ok with that?

Because a male teacher singling out young girls for affection... I'd have a problem with that. And I'd be ok with being called nit-picky and petty by the parents who are ok with their daughters being addressed that way by non-family, non-friendly males... or with their sons seeing this as normal behaviour.

zerostepdrama's picture

The BF met OSD when she was 19. He does not live with BM (that I am aware of) and he didnt live with BM when OSD lived with BM (for a short time after BM and BF started dating) OSD has lived with her husband for over a year states away.

I think calling little kids "pet" names is one thing. Calling your 21 year old GF's daughter a pet name... strange????

zerostepdrama's picture

I called my BS9 "babe" the other day and he looked at me and was like "Ewww mom that is what you say to DH". LOL

That is what I call DH, and I was thinking of saying something to him and said it to BS instead and that is why I said babe.

I just thought BS's response was funny.

DaizyDuke's picture

I don't know... hon, honey, sweetie? Yes, I can agree that is more along the lines of sweet little old lady talk, but to me babe? That is like fat slob with greasy hair ogling at your boobs talk. Maybe it's different in different parts of the country? I am a New Yorker and people just don't call each other "babe" unless they are lovers

zerostepdrama's picture

When SS lived with us, DH was working A LOT at that time. So it was SS, BS and me at the house alot. SS was 18 at the time. I remember feeling so "uncomfortable" around him because of his age. LOL. I was really careful in what I said and how I acted. We are only 13 years apart, so for me I didnt really feel like the grown up, since he technically was an adult. LOL.

The thought of calling him Babe seems so unnatural. LOL

zerostepdrama's picture

Adding on to this more- my niece is 19 and she called her Dad "hun" for years. He isn't her biodad and came into her life when she was just over a year.

She always called him by his first name at first or what my sister called him- which was Hun. Over time it just became natural for her to call him that. LOL.

It was funny when you first heard it- kind of like what in the world?

Over time she started calling him dad and that is what she still calls him. But sometimes she will still say Hun out of habit. She gets embarrassed now when she does it.