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Follow up to the sea donkey post and pictures of my cats

zerostepdrama's picture

DH was nice all weekend, totally kissing my butt and loving on Lilly cat.

I guess he had some time to think about it and reflect on his poor choices in the past and most likely came to the realization that cat piss is better then sticking his d*ck in BM the sea donkey.

Bert and Ernie. Ernie is the one with the tumor, the fatty smashing my chair cushion.

Lilly the bed pisser.

Happy Monday!


zerostepdrama's picture

I miss working from home and having them cuddle on me all day. I know they miss it too!

JustAgirl42's picture

No way, my ex-boss has two ginger kitties named Bert and Ernie too!

They are all adorable, and Lilly's name should be Spot...but Lilly is nicer for a pretty girl.

zerostepdrama's picture

Thank you all for the compliments on my babies. I love them so much!

classyNJ's picture

Adorable kitties!!! Thanks for sharing! Bert and Ernie look like a cleaner version of my kitty who is indoor/outdoor. Only indoor when his tootsies get cold.

Tuff Noogies's picture

awww, cuteness ^_^

as an adult i have has three kittehs. all orange tabbies like your burt. somehow they all just found me.

prayers for ernie. and sweet pats on the head for lilly!

LadyJ's picture

So cute!! I have 4 kitties who are my world. One of them is actually my step-cat, the only kind of step that I love