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Extended a Christmas olive branch and Lord Please dont let me regret it....

zerostepdrama's picture

Christmas makes me a little more nicer for some odd reason....

Thankfully I have never had to spend a Xmas with the skids. We dont really do anything special (that the skids would enjoy), so to me, I feel that DH can give them their gifts and do his own thing with them outside the house. If they wouldnt come over any other day, Xmas isnt anymore special.

With that being said, it kind of sucks that DH goes out Xmas to take the kids to a movie or something and my BS goes to his dad's and I am alone for a few hours. Normally it would be all good, but for Xmas it just feels different. I guess with the holidays, it feels odd to not be with my DH. I already have to "share" my BS, and now I have to "Share" my DH. Kind of sucks.

DH won a nice size gift card to a nice restaurant from work. I asked DH if we could go there for Xmas eve dinner. Now normally we dont do much Xmas Eve (drive around and look at Xmas lights and then BS and I watch Xmas movies while DH watches tv in the bedroom). And Xmas Day we do even less. So I thought it would be nice to go to this restaurant, its in a place that will be decorated for Xmas.

So I said to DH, "We are going to X restaurant. Why dont you invite the skids?"

DH: "You want to do dinner with my kids?"

ME: No, I dont. Well SS I dont mind. But I will, for Christmas and for you.

I refuse to engage with the skids to protect myself from them and their behaviors. However I feel that marriage is about compromise and learning to not be selfish at times, make sacrifices. I know for DH this dinner is something that he will enjoy. So I am going to suck it up for a few hours. I dont plan on saying much more then Hi and Merry Christmas. I will just eat and drink and know it will all be over in a few hours.

I told DH, he better let them know the plan and confirm if they are coming or not so I can make the reservation. I think the skids dont want to be around me as much as I dont want to be around them, so I wouldnt be surprised if they (the girl skids at least) tried to get out of it. But then again, they want their gift from DH so........

I made it clear to DH that he better make it clear to the girl skids that if they act nasty one time they are going to regret it.

Last time I went out to eat with them (over a year and half ago) MSD and YSD acted like total fools to me and DH ignored it all. So I put him on warning too. That shit will not go down again.

I'm sure I will regret this.


zerostepdrama's picture

No exit plan but I might have to make one. We will be at a shopping center, so I can always go shopping Smile

I told DH to have the skids meet us there. So I think the control of knowing we just have to do dinner and then part ways, I think this is easier to handle.

zerostepdrama's picture

Agree! DH was confused at first when I said they could meet us. SS drives. MSD drives. One of them can pick up YSD. It makes more sense.

zerostepdrama's picture

Last time we all ate dinner together it was a mess.

I *think* DH knows better now and knows I mean business. But he doesnt always have a spine....So who knows what will happen.