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Off. T/ Religion Bashing

WWSMD's picture

DH and I took the step kids out to dinner. As we prayed over our meal a man walked by and said “Oh please non-existent spiritual being bless our food". He snickered and walked away. DH wanted to get up and defend his family. I told him to just let it be as we bowed our head and continued our prayer. We could hear him talking loudly and snickering a few tables over with whomever he had come to dine with. He was spouting some pretty horrid things about people who believe in God. He took our faith as a joke. We explained to the step kids that they should never be ashamed to believe what they believe and it is their right to practice their faith. We chose to ignore that man and his posse. We won't deny who we are and what we believe to please other people. When they get older if they chose to believe something different or not to believe anything at all that is their choice and it’s not ok to make fun of those who don't agree with their choices.

I've noticed that in this day in age its one extreme or the other. Either you bible thump in a vicious way that is so un-Christ like it’s not even funny. Or you debate religion and throw it in people's faces or make fun of those who believe. I think we should stop judging each other and keep our opinions to ourselves. My belief and my prayer is not harming you and your unbelief is not harming me. If you believe something is wrong keep your opinion to yourself if no one is asking for it. I don't judge anyone. If you are a good person with a kind heart I don't care if you believe the sky is made of cotton candy, your fine by me. Even when people do force their opinions in my face I find no need to force feed them mines. It just hurts me the way people act sometimes. I was watching a video on YouTube of someone calling 911 because someone had been shot. It just happened that the operator was the mother of the boy who had been shot. She prayed with her son over the phone. He has since recovered. Reading through the comments most of them had nothing nice to say other than bashing her for dare praying with her wounded son.

What world are my step kids growing up in? Cursing, having children at a young age, doing drugs, being promiscuous, and disrespecting your elders and each other is considered cool. While staying a virgin until marriage, not drinking or doing drugs, being respectful and kind, and not being afraid to be who you are and practice what you believe is considered uncool and makes you a loser. Kids these days have more fun bashing one another than praising one another. I just had to pour that out.


WWSMD's picture

Thank goodness I am not the only one that noticed that. I also keep my faith to myself but I do pray over my food no matter where I am and if asked I will not deny my faith to please anyone.

Willow2010's picture

Oh my...what a turd.

America is going to hell in a hand basket and people are letting it.

These days you are considered and outcast if you are not an atheist, gay, or don't believe in abortion.

Willow2010's picture

Fewer than 10 percent of the population is gay

You are correct. BUT I never said that gay people were the ones making non gays outcast. It is the straight people that are all up in arms about other people not being involved in the gay right movement. MORE SO THAN GAY PEOPLE. I just don't get it.

Shaman29's picture

What a horribly, short sighted and racist thing to say.

Not everyone who is gay, atheist, agnostic or supports abortion poo-poos the religious beliefs of others.

Self righteousness is an unattractive quality in anyone, regardless of what they believe.

What you just said is no better than what that jerk did in the restaurant to the OP.

oneoffour's picture

I am sorry you had to experience that behaviour. But it speaks to that persons insecurity when faced with something they do not believe or understand. You weren't standing on a chair encouraging the entire restaurant to join in. You were praying over your meal.

I hope the meal tasted wonderful. I would have paid for your meal if I had witnessed that kind of behaviour. It is sad when practicing your faith is seen as something to laugh at.

WWSMD's picture

Thank you oneoffour the meal was italian and it tasated amazing. If you where ther we would not have taken your money but would have appreciated your offer and the kindess of your heart.

Azure's picture

If I had been in that restaurant and witnessed that, I would have told that guy off on your behalf. And probably got myself arrested. And I am NOT religious. But, that is bullying, plain and simple.

WWSMD's picture

Thank you Azure. But I think he would have wanted someone to confront him so that he could cause a scene. He was not worth the breath trust me.

Generic's picture

Just like Christianity, apparently putting out the American Flag on flag days signals that you're a dumb redneck. I hate that the pendulum has swung that far, but it has.

amber3902's picture

I'm atheist. What that guy did was wrong and I never would mock someone for praying.

I used to belong to an atheist group on FB, but so many of the posts consisted of bashing religious people. One lady started b$tching because someone at Starbucks told her to "have a blessed day." She called and complained to the company. I was like - really??? That's when I left the group.

Please don't let that guy's actions influence how you view all atheists. I have a hard time with people who claim to be Christian but don't act very Christ like, but even so, I never judge a religious person just because of the actions of a few.

Just like all Christians are not hypocrites, not all atheists are a$$holes.

WWSMD's picture

Trust me I don't judge anyone. I forgive that guy for his remarks and I really hope he doesn't rub the wrong person the wrong way someday. I don't paint any with the same brush. I just wish we could all just stop judging each other. That Starbucks thing wow just wow.

DarlinCompanion's picture

People like that man are what make atheists look bad just like every other person with bad manners makes their group look bad.

I'm an atheist and you'd never know it unless I told you.

I don't lump all religious people into one category and all I want is to be treated with the same respect. Believe me, it's hard enough being a non-believer when the perception of non-believers is of rude, fedora-wearing, smug, hateful people, when I am anything BUT that.

If I could smack that guy for you I would. He is an asshat.

Shaman29's picture

I am agnostic, however when I with my parents, you bet I bow my head when they say a prayer.

It's called being respectful of other people's beliefs.

The problem with religious beliefs is there are a lot of self-righteous jerks who believe theirs is the right/only one and they do not respect the freedom everyone has to worship the way they choose.

Though my parents are hard core pentecostal, I do not follow in their footsteps and I definitely don't believe they way they do. However, I will defend their right to pray wherever the hell they want.

I'm glad you're going to follow your heart and principals. Ignore the assholes.

I'm sorry this jerk spoiled your night.

Azure's picture

I have to agree. I'm not religious and have my own personal views on things, but when I'm dining with my Grandmom, I bow my head when she says grace. I'm not betraying myself, I'm just being respectful.

Aeron's picture

I think it's caused by fear.

There was a guy I dated for a while who, when we one day got into a fight about Whatever, informed me I was a terrible person simply for the fact that I believe in something. I clarified. It was not that anyone thought I prosletized, heck I don't even talk about my beliefs pretty much ever. But apparently the mere fact of me believing in something greater than myself made the world a worse place. Needless to say, that relation didn't last very long.

My conclusion when I thought through this fight and this guy as a person was that he was remarkably afraid of there actually being something higher. He was terrified of being judged upon leaving this earth because he didn't think by much of himself. He'd also done some pretty scummy things I found out from some mutual friends later. If the was no afterlife, he could do whatever he wanted without real fear in this one. If there is he was prett sure he was up the creek. That's how it seemed to me anyway.

bellladonna's picture

Yea that guy was a jerk. You weren't bothering anybody and he had the nerve to pull that stunt. What is wrong with him?

But religious zealotry is reaching new heights. I live in Indiana and my family and I aren't Christian. And well, I feel like an outcast because we aren't Christian. We are constantly being bombarded Christian ideology. I respect everyone's right to practice (or not practice) the religion of their choice, but when it's constantly being thrown in my face then that's when I have an issue. And the people in my religious community are just as big of zealots as the Christians!

I think you and your husband handled it properly. And what you told the skids was appropriate. I do agree with you in that there is no middle ground on ANYTHING anymore. Everything, religion, politics, etc is all so polarized now.

JustAgirl42's picture

I am not an atheist, but I am also not into organized religion.

The only time I have a problem with people bringing up their religious beliefs is when they use it in a debate when trying to prove why they are 'right'.

I do not think it is very moral to bust on someone else's beliefs, and would have had a hard time keeping my mouth shut with that jackass!