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BM giving me her old clothes?

WWSMD's picture

:? BM has been acting odd. She says she wants the bury the hatchet and start a frienship between her and DH and I. She thinks it would be good for the kids to see us getting along. Okaaaaay sure I wont poke you and you don't poke me but I don't want to be best budies lol.

She sent a bag with the kids filled with her old clothes. SD9 told me that BM is doing spring cleaning and wanted to know if I wanted some if her old things before she donated them. I'm sorry that's just weird to me reaally weird. But I wasn't going to be a witch about it because I know in her mind she's extending an olive branch. BM texted DH asking if I had the clothes. I said yes thanks whatever I don't keep I will donate.

I kept two dresses for the fabric to make a basinet for a friend from church. But I will not be wearing any of BM's old clothes. I don't know what bothers me more that BM is being oddly nice or that she thought I would want her old things. Part of me thinks this could have been some crued joke and another part really thinks she actually was trying to be nice. Its just weird.


tabby yabba do's picture

Eek. It's not an olive branch, it's a Trojan Horse. Never let a BM think you "owe" her anything. You accept a gift from her, you owe her - plain and simple (in her mind anyway).

new to this's picture

I think you did the right thing by not making a big deal out it and being a witch. It is weird now for sure. But even if she meant something cruel by doing it, it usually works out best to just be the bigger person and let it go. I know sometimes that is hard to do. But you have to pick your battles. Our BM gave us eggs from her chickens once and I had a hard time eating them, i looked them over to see if there were pin holes in them where she could have injected poison!!