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Skid weekend, and I love my cat

wth was I thinking's picture

Skids didn't come over until Sat evening, (some event with BM, whatever, you won't hear me complain!) and Sunday morning, DH gets out of bed before me and heads toward the kitchen. Apparently, Miss Princess Cat decided to leave a nice fresh poop right in front of the door to the skids' room. Normally poop on the floor is not something that makes me giggle inside, but I'll be damned if it didn't make so proud of her. She can't stand the skids either, most of the time she and I hide out in my room when they're running all over the house like maniacs.

On another note, I got some plants, dirt, and a few pots yesterday. YSD was all excited to help and get her hands dirty, which was cool, I showed her how to plant things, had her smelling all the different herbs, she was into it. OSD just sat on the couch and watched youtube videos on her dad's phone. -_-


DaizyDuke's picture

I swear the animals know! We have a German Shepherd. He is prone to getting diarrhea if his diet changes at all, or if he gets too much people food. We have a 3000 square foot home and guess where he goes to take a poop if he does it in the house? SD16 room. Pretty much the ONLY time he'll go in her room too (unless she has food) He'll sleep in BS4 room, in our room, in the living room, pretty much wherever DH, BS4 or I are, but NEVER and I mean NEVER with SD16.

We got our dog from an retired/disabled sheriff buddy of ours who trains police dogs and she always says... "If your dog doesn't like someone? You don't need to get rid of the dog, you need to get rid of that someone" But damn it... DH has not been listening to the dog because SD16 is still here.. Sad

Mercury's picture

I agree 100%

>>>"If your dog doesn't like someone? You don't need to get rid of the dog, you need to get rid of that someone"<<<

This is a huge part of why DH was a keeper. My animals LOVE him. They choose him as often as they choose me. He is wonderful to them. Skids, not so much. The animals avoid them. The pets were curious about them at first but that didn't last long. They really don't want anything to do with the skids unless they have food.

I saw the girl throw my cat out of her room once. It probably wasn't any rougher than the way DH and I move him when he's annoying us, but I about lost it with her. These kids aren't little (11 and 12) but they are really unaware of animal body language. It really bothers me when someone can't read an animal properly.

wth was I thinking's picture

My cat loves my DH, and she even tolerated the skids the first few times they were introduced. But she quickly got tired of both of them being up in her face non-stop, and now as soon as she hears them coming towards the front door, she bolts and hides in my room for the entire weekend unless they are out or asleep.