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Willow2010's picture

I just bought a Nutribullet. It is similar to a juicer. I don’t eat enough fruit and veggies so I thought this might help with that. It is amazing the things you think of once you are over 40. lol

Does anyone on here juice regularly? Does it help you with energy? Do you have any good juicing recipes?


not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

Oooh I was going to try juicing too! I wonder, for some of the recipes, if the taste is something you need to get used to.

I'm prego and not eating nearly enough of the things I should be eating so that's why I was looking into it.

Saw these and thought they looked good:

stormabruin's picture

Is that similar to a VitaMix? If so, steperg had a load of recipes she raved about. I'm sorry she's not here to share them with you.

Willow2010's picture

Yes it is. Wow..I have not thought about steperg in a long time. I hope her health is better.

DaizyDuke's picture

HA! DH just bought one 2 days ago. Should be arriving any day now!

I love smoothies because I really don't care to eat a piece of fruit and REALLY don't care to eat vegetables. But mixed with some yogurt, milk or berries or something I am much more inclined to drink these things.

One of my favorites is called the Green Monster shake..

1 container of vanilla or plain greek yogurt
1 frozen banana (I cut one up prior to freezing it.. makes it easier to blend)
1 cup skim milk/almond or soy milk
then seriously stuff the blender with as much spinach leaves as you can get in there and blend

It sounds kind of gross, I mean spinich and bananas? But OMG, you really can't taste the spinach and it is soooo good! I would NEVER eat a plate full of spinach, so I love to make these knowing that I'm getting lots of veggie benefit.

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

Coolios! You can't taste the spinach? I was worried aout that since for some reason when I tried blending some spinach with rice, the spinach smell came out really strong.... ut I guess it didn't have a banana to cover the smell...

DaizyDuke's picture

No, you really can't which is funny, because the shake turns out most definately green and spinachy looking, but tastes like banana. Smile

Shaman29's picture

One of my favorite things in the world is Naked Juice Green Machine. It looks like pond scum but tastes delicious.

Willow2010's picture

No, you really can't which is funny, because the shake turns out most definately green and spinachy looking, but tastes like banana.
Sounds good and I actually like spinach.

I have heared that Kale is better for you than spinach. But I have never tasted it. It sounds like it would be bitter.

Shaman29's picture

I've been eating kale my entire life. The trick is to separate the stem from the leaves. There are a few varieties, so finding one with dark green leaves that are more delicate will give you the best taste.