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OT ---- Don't forget to go vote!!! And a question....

Willow2010's picture

Are you for or against having to show ID to vote? I am totally for it.

I have not heard one single valid argument for why someone should NOT have to show an ID to vote.


Sports Fan's picture

I haven't either. I'm not saying there isn't one, just that I haven't heard it or thought it.

What is the big deal anyway. Just about everyone who is old enough to vote has a license and you carry it with you all time. Two seconds to show it.

Mercury's picture


Because there are no such things as room-mates, spouses, multiple adults of any relation living under the same roof......

Shaman29's picture

Just out of curiosity, do these ID-less people also live in homeless shelters, refuse to have checking accounts, never go into bars and don't hold jobs??

Because in most cases, you need to have a photo ID of some sort to live in an apartment, fill out loan paperwork to own a home, open a checking account, buy alcohol and it's normally something employers request when you're hired.

Poll tax my ass.

Willow2010's picture

I agree Shaman. Most people have a photo ID. And on the rare occasion they do is not that hard or expensive to obtain one.

Ljcapp1's picture

In Missouri, if you are asked to show ID and don't have one it's a vagrancy misdemeanor charge. So I don't see how they could consider not having an ID in Missouri a poll tax.
I never understood why a person doesn't have an ID, but it could possibly be that I live in a bubble.

Disneyfan's picture

They have ID, but not the type of ID needed to vote.

I can rent an apartment right now in NYC without ID. As long as I have cash(three ways) and I'm willing to sign a month to month lease, many landlords will rent on the spot. Plenty people here work off the books. Each week they are paid in cash off the books. They pay their utilities in one of the many check cashing places in cash. If they are working a legitimate job, often times their employers will issue them a company ID card. That can be used to cash a payroll check at a bank or at a check cashing place.

I just voted and I didnt need ID. I've needed it and I've never had a problem voting.

stepnicole2010's picture

It's easy to get a gun without ID. Gun shows, on the internet. You call it shady as fuck - it's actually how many people get their guns. No ID needed.

Anon2009's picture

I agree...If I want to get help and better my situation, I won't stop until I do. Never have, never will. Hence why most of us have worked at less than glamorous jobs at some point. I did in part so I could afford things like ids.

NotTheMami's picture

I don't have an issue with an ID being required. I don't like how my state is going about doing this though it seems like tactic of voter suppression. There were not any documented cases of fraud, nor have any been found since it has been implemented in my state.

Disneyfan's picture

I'm for it as long as you don't have to go through major obstacles to obtain an ID. It seems like these new rules are designed to disenfranchise voters and/or to suppress voters in certain demographics.

I'm also for early voting and weekend voting.

Shaman29's picture

In the state of Oregon, it costs $44.50 to get an ID Card. This is what they request to do it.

Fill out the ID Card Application.
Present proof of your full legal name (which ranges from marriage licenses to concealed weapons permits).
Present proof of your legal presence in the U.S., identity and date of birth.
Provide your Social Security Number on the application.
Present proof of your residence address.
Pay the original ID card fee.
Surrender any valid driver license or instruction permit issued by Oregon or any other jurisdiction.
Surrender any Oregon ID card.
Have your photograph taken.

Seems to me if you were born here or in the country as a legal, resident alien then it should be quite easy to get an ID card.

Ljcapp1's picture

You'll have to have proof of insurance to file your taxes with a tax firm this year...seems the government has gone full circle here.

stepnicole2010's picture

I think it's ridiculous that people that are considered "lower income" can spend $12 for a movie or $20 for a bottle of vodka or $10 for a dime bag of smokes but can't save up for an ID. Ridiculous. That's just a red flag.

Who the hell are you to assume that poor people spend money on vodka or dime bags? What a nasty presumption. No one is fooled by that talking "in code" you know. You give yourself away.

Putting lower income in scare quotes? Lower income = poor people. Find some freaking compassion.

stepnicole2010's picture

You've volunteered in orphanages in Third World countries? That's very convenient. I don't need a grip. Your posts are dog whistle racist and I'm calling it out. You're fooling no one.

Willow2010's picture

Your posts are dog whistle racist and I'm calling it out. You're fooling no one.

That is the biggest load of crap I have heard today. I hate when people pull the racist card.

stepnicole2010's picture

There is actually no real evidence to back up those claims. Source?

A major probe by the Justice Department between 2002 and 2007 failed to prosecute a single person for going to the polls and impersonating an eligible voter, which all these new anti-fraud laws are supposedly designed to stop.

Anon2009's picture

I don't know if it would solve all our problems, but I do think it'd do a lot to eliminate whispers of doubt. Whispers regarding dead people voting, for instance. Or maybe that's an issue they should deal with separately. If they were to implement such a law, it should be across the board. I have no problem showing my id.

One thing I'd love to see is for all polling places to close at 8. I got my butt out of bed at the crack of dawn to go vote today. I voted before I went to work when I worked a second shift job.

stepnicole2010's picture

Voter fraud is a joke and something republicans use to scare people. There is no mass voter fraud whatsoever.

A major probe by the Justice Department between 2002 and 2007 failed to prosecute a SINGLE person for going to the polls and impersonating an eligible voter.

stepnicole2010's picture

I never said Democrats weren't shady. I said Republicans use Voter Fraud accusations to scare people. I said nothing about Dems.

stepnicole2010's picture

Right, because there is someone out there that wants to steal your vote and will look up your name? Glad to see you don't bother to care about an investigation by the Justice Dept. I'm sure you have evidence of voter fraud that you want to share? A real news source?

stepnicole2010's picture

Well very valid it is not. You said there's voter fraud. I asked for evidence. You can't just say - there is mass voter fraud.

Speculation is not evidence. Anecdotes are not evidence. If you make a claim, you need to back it up with evidence. The onus is on you. That is how debates work.

Disneyfan's picture

I have not seen a valid reason to check ID. How many years have we managed to hold elections without requiring ID? All of a sudden we NEED to have them. What has changed to make the right feel this is such an urgent issue that must be corrected NOW? My money is on the changing demographic of the American voters.

Willow2010's picture

I have not seen a valid reason to check ID
To prove you are who you say you are. For the same reason you have shown your ID hundreds of times. ID's are checked a million times a day and most people do have valid ID's.

HOWEVER....the problem does not seem to be the people that don't have ID's!!! It is people that actually have ID's but think they are too good to show them. GAG.

stepnicole2010's picture

Make IDs free and easy to get and then ok. No one should pay one penny to vote in America.