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Willow2010's picture

  So…over the last 4-5 years I have had these “episodes”.  Usually about 2 times a year.  Suddenly, my heart will start trying to beat out of my chest.  No pain really, just some in my throat sometimes.  Last for about 4 hours and then slowly goes back to normal over the next 12 hours.

 I have never had an anxiety attack but that is what I assumed this was.  DH made me go to ER the last time it happened.  UGH.  Never should have went.

They say I have AFIB.  Did tons of test and I have a minimal leaky heart valve but that was it.  Which I am told is not really a big deal.  Normally I feel fine.  Never had high blood pressure or anything like that.  They put me on a blood thinner and a heart rate medication.  The heart rate medication made me sick so I stopped it.  I have a 2nd opinion appointment on the 21st. 

So since this diagnosis I have felt like POO.  And my blood pressure has been sky rocketing every few days for several hours.  (Not my heart rate) I am so sick and tired of feeling sick and tired.  I am normally a very on the go person.  Not so much now.  UGH.  Anyone have this?  It is very depressing. 


DPW's picture

I believe this is what SO has, or something similar. He's had it so severe, in the past, that they have had to zap his heart back to regular rhythm over 12 times in hospital. He's done much better since those days with medications... though now he's insisting that meds don't help him anymore (yikes! another issue to deal with). SO is really good at knowing when something is wrong with his heart now. 

Please make sure you listen to doctors. You could be damaging your heart more by not seeking medical assistance. 

notsurehowtodeal's picture

AFIB can cause a stroke. You do not want to have a stroke - it is horrible. Listen to your doctor and don't just stop taking medication suddenly. Sometimes that can cause more problems. Check with your doctor before stopping a medication.

Thumper's picture

Willow---what meds did they put you on?

Years ago I use to take otc medication for allergies. I didnt know a thing about Psudoephedrine.  I lived in an area with lots of farms, so you can imagine allergies were bad.

I would wake UP with heart rate 120 bpm and it would last for hours. Long story short it was Psudoephedrine from allergy meds. Some problems with shots given at dental offices. Cant have it. I honestly dont know how crack heads want this stuff...I went thru all the normal tests to come to this conclusion. It was scary.

I guess my point to you's good that you went to the ER...but not so good you stopped the medication. Would you consider calling pharmacist and go over common side effects?

PLEASE keep us posted...Other things that can effect your heart rate I have found is MSG found in Chinese food. One Mexican Restaurant we love to go to IF I eat their salsa...BAMMM within 30minutes heart rate goes UP for period of time. Same thing for Teriyaki sauce...cant have it. But I LOVE IT.

Please check with your Doc before you just stop ....KEEP US POSTED, ok?


TX2step's picture

I have been a nurse for 38 years. I currently work on a cardiac unit in Houston, Texas. Atrial fibrillation is no joke. You should take this very seriously. The greatest risk is stroke. Do not stop your medication. Notify your physician right away. Go back to the ER if necessary. Women never fair well from strokes. Please take care of yourself.

StepUltimate's picture

... for weighing in with your expertise, TX2step. 

oneoffour's picture

My husband has had this for over 20 years. This is how it works... the blood pumps through your heart unevenly and creates pools of congealing blood in your heart or arteries. These break free and either cause a blockage in your brain (a CVA or stroke) or block the pathways in your heart and poof... heart attack. Even if the heart attack doesn't kill you the blockage may well block blood flow to your brain. This is how it was explained to me.

I was exposed to rheumatic fever as a child and had a heart murmur. It went away for a while but came back when I was pregnant. In my 40s I took my pulse one day (just because I was bored in a meeting) and every so often my heart was 'pausing' or missing a beat or two. I sat there waiting for the next beat which was quite scary waiting waiting and I was still alive... or was I?. My Dr put me on a BP medication to slow my heart down enough to keep it regular. Then I had a severe vertigo attack where I ended up in hospital and they found I was in a-fib. 

Now I am on a BP med and a blood thinner. As my cardiologist said... I do not want to take you off the blood thinner as we do not know if the a-fib was a one off or this happens more than you think. So we cannot bring you back from a stroke or a heart attack.Consider it a preventive like a vitamn suppliment. So I do, 

As I got a-fib after my husband I call it our own STD. It is a joke,

Please speak to your Dr about a different medication. This is not something to laugh at or treat lightly, It kills, The wear and tear on your body from hypertension (high blood pressure) can cause irrepairable kidney damage and decreased kidney function which leads to edema and fluid build up in your body. I am not trying to scare you but everything that happens to our body has a flow on effect to different parts of your body.

Willow2010's picture

Thanks all!  

Let me clear up a few things.  I was put on  BP meds and blood thinner.  I took the BP meds for about 3 days and they made me so sick.  I am still on the blood thinner and will not stop that.  The main fear is stroke.  And the blood thinner is for that.  They siad they the BP meds are not as important and the blood thinner.  I have a an appointment with a new DR on the 21st to get some things cleared up.  Thanks all again!


GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

Please take AFIB seriously! My mother and grandmother both have it and are on mediciation. My mother's had a cardioversion done twice in the past 5 years (sounds scary but she said it was nothing - they stop your heart then shock it into restrting at a normal rate). People in AFIB are at a MUCH higher risk of stroke! My grandmother is 92 and just had a massive one- she's doing OK but it was touch and go for a while, and she'll most likely never live alone again like she did bfore the stroke. Please don't take it lightly! Good luck!